later on at the petrol station guy was out of bullets and yet he started firing blindly rather than walking over and shooting at him letting him get away again. Also how many times is a guy running directly away from him that he can't hit just for the sake of writing. Lots of guys shooting at each other, ducking out of the way, guy moving side to side, difficult shot. Guy not shooting back running directly away, that's a damn easy shot.
Also was she still wearing her bullet proof vest, I can't remember and not going back to check but she was in there for a while and that cop would have seen her. He just came straight out and shot her with no warning when she's facing away from him.
Then lastly, he 'wins' the fight in the barn, and stands there with his gun on him, while he crawls, stands up then draws on him where he's magically got bullets again, even though if he had bullets he could have killed Ryan the second he walked through the door but he decides to attack him hand to hand.
Why wouldn't Ryan scream at him not to move, why not shoot him in the arm while he's crawling, why not go over and and restrain him, nope just watch then kill him for absolutely no reason.
If they wanted him dead then why not have him killed in the hand to hand fight, his gun is empty, the only way to survive is to bash his skull in or something along those lines, there was just no reason to write it like that.
In fact, urrrgggh, I was raging pretty much that entire two episodes.
I remember seeing some early review in which they literally called it the perfect show. The person who wrote it was either well paid or a complete and utter idiot.