Lol so much hate from you.
Hardly hate - I thought frame rate was more important than looks and res on the xbone?
Lol so much hate from you.
Frame rate seems pretty solid so far, haven't noticed any slowdown.
It's now VERY obvious why Uncharted was delayed.
From the review I've seen the game runs at a solid 1080p in 30fps.
The DF article above clearly shows it doesn't.
Well, the review that i saw says it does. So it cancels each other out.
Which we end up with the only other person who has actually played this game in this thread...who says it looks fine.
Which review?
Certainly plays much the same as the first one on X1.
What does it matter, you are going say something negative about a game you:-
1 - not going to buy
2 - no interest in
3 - don't have a XB1
4 - made up your mind
5 - don't think we need a 5th...
I am happy to engage in a discussion and debate if the other person is open minded, you clearly are not.
As exciting as this is, I'm going to go enjoy playing it now. See you when it finally comes to PC/PS4 and its old news.
Genuine question, was The Last of Us rubbish because it struggled to hit 30fps on PS3? Or was it still a fantastic game?
Frame rate seems pretty solid so far, haven't noticed any slowdown.
It's now VERY obvious why Uncharted was delayed.
Genuine question, is resolution more important than frame rate?
Shame about the frame rate - they should just stick to 900p from now on on the xbone IMO.