Tomb Raider I - III remaster

29 Oct 2008

Feb 14th release which is classic Laras birthday!

I'm wondering if they will rework the original tank controls as anyone new to it that picks it up might not last long with it.

Also FMVs, I wonder how/if they will rework these. Probably just AI upscales but hopefully they have the source access and can do more.
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Hmm, changing the controls is extremely dangerous territory. The entire game is built around them, levels won't work in the same way with a different control set. I'd be surprised if they did that without reworking the level design or how the environment reacts to your movement.

I really think it'll be simply a roll up of all expansions with a graphics toggle.

Yeah, those were my thoughts. Im not sure how you change the tank controls as its tied to the grid system of the levels.

I'll be grabbing this though.
It's defiantely a remaster rather than a remake but in all honestly I think that's what I would prefer. Tomb Raider Anniversary was a remake of the first Tomb Raider wasn't it?

Yeah it was, and I enjoyed that in it's own right.

I'm slightly worried about the reception this game is going to receive. I think if you give classic TR (the Core design ones) to a child (or even say someone < 25) they will get frustrated by the controls. As a massive fan of the originals, I'm used to it and the other quirks, such as the odd camera angles.
Its going to cost £25 apparently unless you have one of the originals on steam in which case a discount applies and its "only" £20. Not sure myself seems a bit steep for a hi poly Lara and a few lighting tweaks.

Hmm was ok for me only TR1 was dos 2 was DX7

It said in the description you will be able to swap between original controls and the new not sure how that'll work - move to ledge, press action to climb up the entire wall and do it all for you...

I have TR 1-3 in my Steam library and I just see the 10% pre-order discount in Steam, nothing more.

Edit: actually when I click on the game it says 20% discount, but still says it's a 'PRE-PURCHASE PROMOTION'.
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I think it could help sales a little and I'd be surprised if we didn't get one more teaser. I'm looking forward to it too, I also need to decide if i'm getting it on Switch or PC. If there is no physical release then i'll likely get it on PC.
I was never a fan of the recent TR trilogy, the best modern TR for me was the Dagger of Xian fan remake of some old TR level (which I never played :cool:)
Hopefully these remakes will be more like -or exactly like- DoX.
This is really well done and i'd love a remake like this but the originals still have a charm to them!

These are remasters, not remakes, so if your hoping for a DoX type release then your in for a disappointment.
They look horrendous is why very cheap lazy porting to run in some virtual emulator for Glide-OpenGL :rolleyes: with minimal effort put in...
We'll see. I thought they had the original source code so i'd hope for more than this!

Ultrawide support would be nice too.
Yeah afraid so, all we're getting here is something along the lines of the recent Quake 2 remaster, higher resolution, so think widescreen support, better controls and probably enhanced lighting effects.
If you want a true remake of TR1 you need to go and play Tomb Raider Anniversary

More info released here:
Just enough to whet the appetite :)

As mentioned earlier they confirm they have access to the original source so it isn't simply a Glide-OpenGL wrapper on some new textures. I guess it depends what you want our of it.
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It looks horrendous in that latest behind the scenes PR fluff piece!

Not sure why they think modern gamers will buy those looks like minimal effort or just total lack of understanding around how important decent graphics are to most gamers!

All they had to do was make it look more modern (TR Anniversary struck the right balance!) take the roughness away (limitation of the original technology!). Instead they have made it stand out too much by keeping the original art style (as cheaper than to recreate with more recent graphics!). Clearly its just a cheap remaster streaming the original game polygon data with a few filters thrown on top....they cannot be serious about releasing this for anything other than free either!

I guess it depends what your after - I do worry a little that your right and gamers who are not looking for a nostalgia trip will sidestep this. Whereas if you look at the Spyro or Crash re'makes' they were very playable to new audiences.

For me they have done a remaster in the way I had hoped. If you read ( after yesterday blog post update then you can see that hardened TR fans are pretty happy with the work.
I think the fact it's using the same old engine with a lick of paint means it should be hard for it to be messed up... fingers crossed.
Pretty favorable reviews on the whole, averaging ~80%. I'm not sure it's one for new gamers but there is plenty of nostalgia to be had for 80's/90's kids here. I'm going to see what my kids think of it, I'm not sure it will pull them away from Fortnight for too long :D

£19.52 on kinguin with 4.25% cashback.

My question is, does it support ultrawide...

There are no graphics options in game. You can apparently customize a config file to set the resolution but no word on how this works for ultrawide. My guess is it could work but menu screens are fixed at 16:9 so could be distorted.

I've bought it on Switch but would probably have gone with PC had ultrawide been supported.
Menus are old school and centred yeah, clearly designed to be used with a controller and the game controls can be changed to modern so mouse look works etc.

From the quick test I did just now, the camera does spaz out and get stuck in narrow areas, the mouse look movement isn't as precise as you might want it to be, and jumping off ledges, like in TII in Lara's home doing the jumping course in the garden, the jump reaction time is quite pants so you end up missing the jumps and have to start again. I can see that being rather annoying but will play it properly later.

My 4090 just about managed to maintain high fps in this though, phew was a little worried :cry:

Thanks, they look awesome. I might have to double dip and get it on PC now too :)
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