Tomb Raider - Rise of the Raider PC

Don't know what it works out to in pounds but just got this for 32€ (£24ish?) at greenmangaming with code for 27% off 27RISE-OFTOMB-RAIDER
Looking at the Nvidia Guide, 980Ti SLI = 38fps at 4K res, max detail & FXAA.

£1100+ and all you'll get is 38fps!!!.

Pascal, your time has arrived.
How many QTE's are there in this?
The first game was utterly riddled with them and ruined the whole thing for me.

Not played yet but have it preloaded. The xb1 demo gave me a bad vibe about qtes to start with, but everyone says its pulled back loads compared to the first game so hopefully its not too bad. Was mainly "uhh oh, laras about to fall, press X quickly to grab the ledge" etc
Denuvo DRM is why the large Ram useage its keeps filling up Ram. If they removed Denuvo the FPS would be smoother it constantly monitors disk drive & background activity.

But if they did that the game would not sell as much so as it uses V4 of Denuvo which is uncrackable according to the devs......
Looking at the Nvidia Guide, 980Ti SLI = 38fps at 4K res, max detail & FXAA.

£1100+ and all you'll get is 38fps!!!.

Pascal, your time has arrived.

As for the numbers, at the moment maxed out a 980 ti averages under 30 fps at 1080p which is tragic,
The game itself is everything I hoped it too be in respects of how it looks, plays and feels compared to TR2013, If it ain't broke don't change it.

All it needs is for AMD to pull there finger out and get this fixed and playable on Fiji. I've spent 2-3 hours in game so far and experienced 3 cut scene crashes which is not good however the big issue is the stutter that can happen at the oddest of times and sometime last as long as you are in a particular place, for example without doing too much of a spoiler there's a mushroom place which once entered Lara was going judder, judder, judder for the entire time I was doing my thing there. I'd already lowered a lot of settings to combat it as it was happening a lot more often originally but now there are places and times when it happens regardless and no amount of lowering the settings stops it. As Pcper pointed out it is only an issue with the HBM cards, The 390, 390x etc are fine.
Sadly it means that although I'd planned this weekend to be my ROTTR time the experience is being marred and I can either have a far less enjoyable experience than I should or I must wait for AMD to supply Fiji friendly drivers next week, Pcper asked AMD about drivers and got told there would be none this weekend.
Really gutted but I'm glad you guy's can all play (violins play in the background while little Timmy hobbles away from his PC), Maybe I can try it next weekend :Wink:

Bloomin smilies there useless half the time :( :D
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Well I am not a happy gamer atm....

When the game behaves it looks amazing. Am running 1440p everything maxed with 2x 980s oc'd to 1500 16 gig ram cpu is a 4770k at 4.4

1st thing is in some parts of the game the gpu usage is 60% then it can shoot to 98% at a moments. Seems to be some horrible imput lag now and then to.

The really kicker though is the crashs had 3 system lock ups 1 without any ocing.Also the fps is all over the place I can get 79 fps with loads of stuff happening on screen and then it plummits to 15 fps for a few secs then bounces back up to the 70s.

Am using the new drivers atm am wondeirng wether to try an older set. Roll on an update plz ! Its hard to remember a game that I bought on day 1 that played with nps!!!
How this game is stunning. I stuck it on max settings and was getting between 45-55fps with a 980Ti @1080p.

Feels smooth with Gsync, and tbh the pure hair looks amazing. Will be sitting down and giving it a good run through today, just going to play around with the settings first.
I had to knock mine down to medium on my 970 as I was getting memory errors when I tried it higher. Still looks awesome even on medium.
What settings is the guys on a 970 using ?

I posted my settings on the last page only difference is today I will lower textures from very high to high. Did some reading and very high needs 6gb VRAM. High needs 4 and the feedback is that the difference is negligible.

Oh and not a single crash yet either.
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