As for the numbers, at the moment maxed out a 980 ti averages under 30 fps at 1080p which is tragic,
The game itself is everything I hoped it too be in respects of how it looks, plays and feels compared to TR2013, If it ain't broke don't change it.
All it needs is for AMD to pull there finger out and get this fixed and playable on Fiji. I've spent 2-3 hours in game so far and experienced 3 cut scene crashes which is not good however the big issue is the stutter that can happen at the oddest of times and sometime last as long as you are in a particular place, for example without doing too much of a spoiler there's a mushroom place which once entered Lara was going judder, judder, judder for the entire time I was doing my thing there. I'd already lowered a lot of settings to combat it as it was happening a lot more often originally but now there are places and times when it happens regardless and no amount of lowering the settings stops it. As Pcper pointed out it is only an issue with the HBM cards, The 390, 390x etc are fine.
Sadly it means that although I'd planned this weekend to be my ROTTR time the experience is being marred and I can either have a far less enjoyable experience than I should or I must wait for AMD to supply Fiji friendly drivers next week, Pcper asked AMD about drivers and got told there would be none this weekend.
Really gutted but I'm glad you guy's can all play (violins play in the background while little Timmy hobbles away from his PC), Maybe I can try it next weekend :Wink:
Bloomin smilies there useless half the time