*Top 10 Best Weapon in Gaming*

Saw it coming, though it still is just a gimmick, though an incredibly fun gimmick.

Wanted the railgun to be higher, love the thing :cool: :p

William said:
I saw that coming a long way off. My personal favourite is the double barreled shotty off doom. :)

Amen to that.
Some that would make my list:

Lightsaber - Jedi Academy (OK, not strictly 'from' a game but still great)
MP-5 - Half-life
Blackjack - Thief (Thwack!)
Scythe of the Celts :D - Clive Barker's Undying
yup, double barrel shotty needs to be on there from doom

some of the rise of the triad weapons needs to be on there. such as the 'drunken missile'

and the basic flare gun from blood
richyfingers said:
How can they miss out the double barrel shotty, thats just silly :eek:

Up until the gravity gun from HL2, the double barrel shotty was probably my favourite, simply because of the noise it made - so satisfying :)
Missed out on the Shock Rifle / Ripper from the UT series. :(
Banana bomd from worms should be in their too.
What about the nail gun in FEAR :)
Can't view it from work either. My fav was the siege cannon from Homeworld Cataclysm. You have to see it in action to understand - an enormous ball of crackling energy that took an age to form and then just passed through anything it hit, blowing it to bits. It was slow enough to see coming, but too fast to get out of the way of in time.

Coolest thing I've ever seen in an RTS :)
Ah yeah, Ion Cannon frigates in HW2 are cool. I am not really one for buying games on units as to me they are things to get jobs done. (This being a reason why I think Rise Of Legends is pap compared to the original) But Ion Cannon frigates are really, really cool. :D

Can't wait to get my hands on SupCom either. I have the horn for large lasers that go BEEEEEEEEEEEEEW. :D
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