*Top 10 Best Weapon in Gaming*

To be honest there's so many different weapons from so many different games, it's impossible to please everyone with such a list.

One thing I would say however, is that I think the weapons in Painkiller are often overlooked in lists like this. A lot of them are REALLY fun to use, the shotgun for example is just so lush, even better than Doom2 or Quake2. It feels really powerful and so great to blast baddies at point blank range, splitting them into chunks with limbs bouncing off the walls in amongst a cascade of blood. Yummy.

Serious Sam is another game which needs more hype for it's weapons. Cannonball launcher? Awesome. Flamethrower? Too cool for school.
Chronoscepter from turok 1 - hardest weapon in the game to obtain due to the parts being secretly placed on each level and only 3 shots ammo but my god was it satisfying to fire.

Think blue beam then nuclear explosion
PinkFloyd said:
Hell yes.
Many happy hour was spent running around with mates mowing them down with that :)
When you sprayed at someones head with that thing, they died fast, i used to win 3 on 1s with it :p.
Curio said:
My Top 10:

1.) Q2 Railgun
2.) Q3A Railgun
3.) Q4 Railgun

Actually, I can't think of any more :)

The Rail is still the number 1 weapon in on-line fps.

Mid air Rail = nice tingly sensation in ones undergarments.

Spot on :)
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