*Top 10 Best Weapon in Gaming*

Others that should have been in there:
- Chaingun from doom. Just so riddiculously fun to chase your friends around trying to empty your mag ASAP.
- M4 Colt from CS. Such a satisfying weapon to use well, always made me feel like I was one of the chaps from the film "Heat". Simply ace.
No shotgun (of any description!)
No Duke Nukem 3D Pipe Bombs :(
Combine Assualt Rifle? Was the win for me (especially secondary fire :>)
Unreal 2 Rocket Launcher? (modded to track 4 different targets :D)
Unreal Tourney Sniper Rifle!!!
HL's Rocket Launcher - user laser guided :>
Snarks from HL?
Zombie/Car Repulsificaters from Carmageddon 2
Zombie Electro ******** Ray from Carmageddon series?
Project IGI 2's Barret Sniper Rifle? (shoots through walls :D)

Struggling for other ideas at the moment but I wasn't all that impressed by that list tbh :/
yeah, the redeemer is definately on par with the BFG, there aren't many other guns in video games that let you fire nuclear missiles
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