*Top 10 Best Weapon in Gaming*

Personally I can't stand the gravity gun, I think it's absolutely pants. :p

Turok had some wicked weapons though, on top of the Cerebral Bore there was another one which took like 20 seconds to power up and then pwned everything. :eek: I forgets its name. Also it had the spinny bland of boomerangness which rocked aswell.

Another vote for the redeemer. :)

Serious Sam had that cannonball gun which was awesome. :D

How did the farsight work again? I've totally forgotten. :(
The gravity gun is awesome when it gets modified and you can pick up people. Its good normally too! Very versatile - you just have to know how to use it properly.

For classic games, I like a lot of the worms weaponry simply for comical values. I mean, you just can't beat a Holy Hand Grenade or Concrete Donkey or That Old Woman etc etc.

Modern games, FPS-like, I'd have to go with the Railgun from Q3A or the gravity gun. Might seem like odd choices but I love em both!
My Top 10:

1.) Q2 Railgun
2.) Q3A Railgun
3.) Q4 Railgun

Actually, I can't think of any more :)

The Rail is still the number 1 weapon in on-line fps.

Mid air Rail = nice tingly sensation in ones undergarments.
Curio said:
My Top 10:

1.) Q2 Railgun
2.) Q3A Railgun
3.) Q4 Railgun

Actually, I can't think of any more :)

The Rail is still the number 1 weapon in on-line fps.

Mid air Rail = nice tingly sensation in ones undergarments.

New best friend :p

But Q3A rail > Q2 rail tbh :D
Curio said:
My Top 10:

1.) Q2 Railgun
2.) Q3A Railgun
3.) Q4 Railgun

Actually, I can't think of any more :)

The Rail is still the number 1 weapon in on-line fps.

Mid air Rail = nice tingly sensation in ones undergarments.
Q3As beats Q2s in all honesty - better weapon all round...

I also prefer the old rocket to feet and rail as they are still in mid-air ;). Though you cant beat a mid air rox :D

ps3ud0 :cool:
Though I like the Q3A railgun, the Q2 railgun felt and sounded more poweful, but the Quake 3 one is more fun I think.

Back in Q3A beta, I thought the railgun was utter rubbish compared to the Q2 one I was used to, but I think they either changed it a little, or I got used to it.
A couple of my personal favourites id like to add to the list..

Tazar from Syphon Filter
Shock lance from Tribes 2 (and the mortar launcher come to think of it)
LeakyMeat said:
A couple of my personal favourites id like to add to the list..

Tazar from Syphon Filter
Shock lance from Tribes 2 (and the mortar launcher come to think of it)

was the tazer the one where if you done it long enough they would burn up.

my favs in no order
double barreled pump action shotgun-doom2
pulse rifle-avp1 and 2
m1 garand-call of duty 2
bakes0310 said:
was the tazer the one where if you done it long enough they would burn up.
Thats the very one, and the range on it seemed infinite. If you could see an enemy you could hit them with it and watch them burn :cool:
The Nuke in turok 2 rocked, RCP-90 in Goldeneye, duke nukems shrinker/expander, Planetsides Jackhammer(triple barreled shotgun which kicked butt at close range) and the sniper rifle from the original halo.
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