Top 3 national anthems

No, you're saying lyrics don't matter as a strawman. I questioned your antagonistic emphasis on the lyrics of FoS when the official anthem for the UK has extremely poor lyrics for this day and age... which you agreed on but decided to spin into a claim of lyrics not mattering.

You de-emphasised the importance of lyrics of an anthem, basing your assessment of an anthem on how easy it is to sing. I replied on that basis.

There is no pride or honour in punching down.

The fashionable excuse for double standards.

Whether you like the lyrics or not doesn't really come into it if the people want it as their anthem to sing and represent them. Something which can be clearly said for FoS and not so much for GStQ.

I never suggested GStQ as an anthem for Scotland. Or anywhere. The only thing I said in its favour is that it's the incumbent anthem for the UK, has been for a while and therefore has some cultural value. Choosing a national anthem where none previously existed is different to changing an existing national anthem.

The current one references what you say already

There isn't a current one. England doesn't have a national anthem.

You're referring to the UK national anthem, which does have a verse referring to a rebellion against the UK within Scotland. And that verse is so unpopular that it's almost forgotten and hardly ever used. So it's not the same as choosing a new anthem based solely on it. Quite the opposite.
double standards

Double standards of awareness?

Scotland identifies as low level anti-english even though we've not fought for centuries and it has some grounds for that but it isn't reciprocated anywhere near as much the other way.

So for you to invent the scenario of it wouldn't be ok for England to have an anti-scottish anthem you're only correct by being wrong about why. England doesn't care enough about Scotland.

If England hated Scotland enough for the population to vote in an anthem celebrating beating up Scotland then it's the anthem England deserves to be known by.

FoS genuinely reflects the Scottish chip on the shoulder about England so why get upset that Scotland wants it.

I know you're gagging to make it about double standards as if it would get vetoed by an authority in England if such a song came up but I've seen you state that you understand there are no official anthems beyond the British one and that FoS was a local popular decision which is respected as an anthem for Scotland. As are the other local anthems in the UK.

Meanwhile in England the last check on public opinion for an English anthem got us Jerusalem and sometimes Land of Hope and Glory for selected English events.
Not the one I have to endure to various extents at times, like earlier today - it's inherently mostly rubbish + aged badly/hilariously, and most Americans don't even know the words (tho there are clear, sometimes extreme, exceptions). Yeah, Russia's is far better - better than any of Europe IMO.

Haven't paid much attention to non-famous ones, so there might be some bangers out there on some remote island or landlocked hellhole or something.
There isn't a current one. England doesn't have a national anthem.

You're referring to the UK national anthem, which does have a verse referring to a rebellion against the UK within Scotland. And that verse is so unpopular that it's almost forgotten and hardly ever used. So it's not the same as choosing a new anthem based solely on it. Quite the opposite.

That and it's like the 6th verse of it so no one can be arsed singing that long :cry:

I think one problem England would come up against in your scenario of a national anthem celebrating a military defeat of Scotland would be the anti-colonialism argument from other nations, not just Scotland.
The USA anthem is pretty good once it gets going and performed in a fairly high tempo way.

Can't be doing with Flower of Scotland, bit of a dirge IMO (I am Scottish). GSTQ always confuses me when England are playing, thought it would be Land of Hope and Glory, they also don't sing enough of GSTQ.

Italy, France, both good. Ireland and Wales sound good when sung at a packed stadium.
That and it's like the 6th verse of it so no one can be arsed singing that long :cry:

I can only remember the first line of the first verse!

I think one problem England would come up against in your scenario of a national anthem celebrating a military defeat of Scotland would be the anti-colonialism argument from other nations, not just Scotland.

I've no doubt that some people are so irrationally prejudiced against England that they would call England defending itself against a foreign army invading England "colonialism" by England. But there's no appeasing that degree of irrational prejudice, no matter what you do.

[..]Can't be doing with Flower of Scotland, bit of a dirge IMO (I am Scottish). [..]

What do you think of Scotland the Brave? If I was Scottish, that's what I'd want for my anthem. Great tune. The words are perfectly suited for a Scottish national anthem - they're about Scotland and they're very positive. It's all about what a great place Scotland is. It also works well as a military piece for formal parades. Full regalia, soldiers marching, pipes and drums...the very image of unyielding advance, an unstoppable force. When you hear the pipes, either death or help is coming.
I was listening to the BBC Daily Euros podcast yesterday and they had Filippo Ricci a journalist for Italy's Gazzetta Dello Sports on. He said that Italian football players and fans singing their national anthem is a recent thing. In the 70s-80s no one sung as the song and flag had strong fascist and far right connotations there. He remembers that it was the WC in 2006 that players really started to sing it. Great they managed to put aside that association, it is one of my favourites.
Russia, Italy, Germany and France all have good national anthems.

if we’re going to pick unofficial anthems for the home nations can we take Loch Lomond for Scotland (Scotland the Brave is fine by the way, I don’t really have an objection). After all surely every Scot must know the words to that? Even if you don’t like sport you should know it from ceilidhs, weddings or Hogmanay at least :D
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