Tories lost the 2019 election among working age adults

22 Nov 2005
We used to have apprenticeships.
yea and they should be a priority over Uni or college courses imo.

You don't need a uni/college education for most jobs... it's just box ticking nonsense.

wasn't there some stat where people who skip uni and get straight into a career are on better money as well?

Seems like most people leave uni, get a low wage job and for that reason never repay their student loan.

So what's the point? I guess Blair thought it would lead to a higher educated workforce and better jobs.

but we are trapped in a service/gig economy with down right awful pay, no contracted hours etc

There's literally no one trying to future proof our country, we just have crappy industries that can easily disappear to emerging parts of the world.

If I lived for hundreds of years I'd be really worried about where this country is headed, thankyfully I'll probably be dead in less than 50
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22 Nov 2005
It was under Major that the big increase in undergraduates happened. It was in that world that Blair reneged on a manifesto promise and introduced tuition fees.
weird I remember new labour being a big supporter of education.

It stuck in my mind that Blair encouraged it, Guess I'm wrong
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30 Jun 2007
yea and they should be a priority over Uni or college courses imo.

You don't need a uni/college education for most jobs... it's just box ticking nonsense.

wasn't there some stat where people who skip uni and get straight into a career are on better money as well?

Seems like most people leave uni, get a low wage job and for that reason never repay their student loan.

So what's the point? I guess Blair thought it would lead to a higher educated workforce and better jobs.

but we are trapped in a service/gig economy with down right awful pay, no contracted hours etc

There's literally no one trying to future proof our country, we just have crappy industries that can easily disappear to emerging parts of the world.

If I lived for hundreds of years I'd be really worried about where this country is headed, thankyfully I'll probably be dead in less than 50
Airbus do apprenticeship degrees now.

Largely because they found the DEGs (direct entry graduates) to not be that useful. They wanted the engineers to have done shop floor work before starting. Because it can be very hard to transcribe to a design engineer just how the human body can fit in places without them trying it.

Thier basisi for this is if you can pass an degree then you can do a cut down apprenticeship taster course at the same time
7 Dec 2012
weird I remember new labour being a big supporter of education.

It stuck in my mind that Blair encouraged it, Guess I'm wrong
Interestingly, if you can find the info, you see higher education rates increasing a lot through the 90s until Labour took power, it stayed pretty static until 2010, and then increased again under the Tories.

It's the opposite of what most people think.

I don't particularly think it's down to the Tories doing anything *good*, though. But Labour certainly put a brake on the increase.
22 Nov 2005
so everyone is taking 12 weekends.. volunteering to do what? whats the point?

Mandatory service might install some discipline, confidence and a bit of national pride in people.

Also all for it if every boat person has to do 2 year in the army before they get citizenship.
That'd stop the boats pretty fast.

Might be cheaper to give the boat people 2 year national service, and every British born 18 year old a range of apprenticeship options at age 18

In Switzerland I saw conductors on the trains who looked about 15
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19 Feb 2010
I don’t totally disagree with the national service idea as it’s already a thing in some European and other countries.

It’s just the timing, they’ve had 14 years to propose it and it reeks of desperation to appeal to, well, I don’t know who?

The Tories are going full retard methinks.
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18 Feb 2006
So you are a 18 year old going to uni, is your choice now to delay a year when going for national service or give up a weekend every month which could be spent studying and earning money to survive?

I can't imagine this is winning votes with parents of young kids.
31 May 2009
Look, Rishi’s probably already got the kids enrolled somewhere expensive in California for September, and he’s telling big companies in Silicone Valley that he’ll be available from the 5th July onwards. He’s just trying to seal the deal at this point, IMHO.
100% this.
He may even give us a last laugh and declare that he isn't standing at this election either, like all the rats who have nested away taxpayer millions, and now flee.
19 Jan 2013
National service is a big mistake in my opinion. I've been in the mob for nearly 16 years, there's nothing worse than someone with a poor attitude of which there would be countless if they were forced into military service. They would be a force divider, rather than a force multiplier.

The time / resources i've seen spent on either trying to remove someone from the force ( people who refuse to quit, as they're just warming a seat and claiming the wage) or try and better someones attitude / work ethic is unreal. If I had a demanding task at hand, i'd rather work with 1 self-motivating person with a good attitude, rather than be lumped with 5 people that will just cause additional drag.
29 Aug 2007
Look, Rishi’s probably already got the kids enrolled somewhere expensive in California for September, and he’s telling big companies in Silicone Valley that he’ll be available from the 5th July onwards. He’s just trying to seal the deal at this point, IMHO.

'As a father, I look forward to my own two daughters doing their National Service: I think they will find it a rewarding experience.' ~ says man who has no intention of doing anything of the sort, thank you very much.
17 Nov 2005
Swindon, UK
I completely disagree with national service. There. I've said it. :mad:

I wouldn't want my daughters doing it.

I pay through taxes all these things that Government and Council should cover. They should not be getting a free workforce.

Even at a high level, what about expenses, food, safety. Protection from abuse.

My lens is from reading the countless misconduct hearings just from the Met Police. Also, having seen the Avon and Somerset Constabulary documentary. These people are meant to protect us. There's good eggs out there, but this is a recipe for disaster.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
I find it funny you're gonna have a labour government for at least 5 years probably 10.
Maybe if the conspiracy rumours are true we'll be at war with Russia by the end of the year anyway, that's a reason why Rishi called early just to get the hell out.
Labour win this by default, as long as they don't start putting their feet in all their mouths by spurting stupid election promises.
Good luck either way lol

I'm not keen on conscription and military service, if everyone is "prepared" for war then war will always be an easy option. But I think that's the way Europe is going again.... Glad I had a pretty good life. :p
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31 Jan 2022
I completely disagree with national service. There. I've said it. :mad:

I wouldn't want my daughters doing it.

I pay through taxes all these things that Government and Council should cover. They should not be getting a free workforce.

Even at a high level, what about expenses, food, safety. Protection from abuse.

My lens is from reading the countless misconduct hearings just from the Met Police. Also, having seen the Avon and Somerset Constabulary documentary. These people are meant to protect us. There's good eggs out there, but this is a recipe for disaster.

Well, I think it is a vote loser. I very much doubt that many people will turn to back to the conservatives because of this new policy, but certainly many will turn away. It was a truly dumb time to mention something like this. The crazy thing is that it is even noted on the governments own website that it's a divisive issue and no age bracket supports it, especially 18-24's.
21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
Well, I think it is a vote loser. I very much doubt that many people will turn to back to the conservatives because of this new policy, but certainly many will turn away. It was a truly dumb time to mention something like this. The crazy thing is that it is even noted on the governments own website that it's a divisive issue and no age bracket supports it, especially 18-24's.
I would have expected the opposite. Of those that actually vote it would probably bring more of them back.
3 Aug 2015
weird I remember new labour being a big supporter of education.

It stuck in my mind that Blair encouraged it, Guess I'm wrong
Probably due to stuff like this:

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