Exactly! Why would you want to eat British stuff if you live in Italy of all places!! They have the best food in the world!
The French might disagree!
Exactly! Why would you want to eat British stuff if you live in Italy of all places!! They have the best food in the world!
otherwise known as the Home Office yesTo the thought police?
Exactly! Why would you want to eat British stuff if you live in Italy of all places!! They have the best food in the world!
The French might disagree!
Many people tend to think that the food they're used to is the best food.
The presenter of one of the Youtube channels I watch is Italian. He came to Britain for a holiday and had good things to say about the food, especially pies. National cliches about food are at best flimsy.
I vaguely recall a French cook describing England as a country of 2 sauces...
...apparently it was Voltaire, not a cook. Or maybe he was a cook as well, I don't know. It's not true, obviously. Amusing, but not true.
You don't have to be a migrant though to have a negative experience. Second and third generations of migrant families are still being impacted by bigoted morons.
All people have prejudices, it's instinctive and inherent from the days of small tribes and wariness of the "outsider", and it's been useful (or not depending how you look it, as it ultimately always ends in conflict) historically to protect resources, land, people etc. The trick as an evolved species is to be aware of these prejudices and we should do our best to not act on these, then be ready to learn about the prejudices we hold that we weren't aware of. This is applicable to all people though, not just white people which is what CRT proponents want to be the case, hence the pushing of the "white privilege" narrative.
There's a fine line being walked at the moment on addressing the wrongs of racism and the temptation, it seems, to lay it all on white people and in turn create a focal point for hate as this could somehow bring about a solution?! The language used sounds like retribution is being sought - I fail to see how this brings us progress, unless your aim is to whip up an "us vs them" culture where groups just pile in on each other until there is only one standing - Angilion describes this group identity power grab quite well on a number of occasions on this forum but he generally gets ignored. This observation is often dismissed as white fragility and therefore begins the game of dodging the trap that's been set be the ideologues to brand you with the racist brush instead of arguing the points.
Do you have any examples?
(I'm not trying to deny what you're saying or call you out, it's just a criticism i've seen before but I don't really see where this language is being used...)
According to the Daily Telegraph, the course includes a white privilege quiz in which participants are asked to pick, from a list, 13 options all of which are societal benefits supposedly enjoyed by white people living in the UK.
Those who correctly select all the answers are awarded a gold star. Those who do not successfully select all 13 are told they need to try again. An example of one of the white privileges on the list is: ‘I can swear, or dress in second-hand clothes, without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, the poverty or the illiteracy of my race.’
Do you have any examples?
(I'm not trying to deny what you're saying or call you out, it's just a criticism i've seen before but I don't really see where this language is being used...)
Do you have any examples?
(I'm not trying to deny what you're saying or call you out, it's just a criticism i've seen before but I don't really see where this language is being used...)
[..] It's incredibly clever discourse. Creating the means of fighting discrimination, with more discrimination and appearing virtuous in the process. [..]
Fairly standard, don't stop being a racist, just deny it and blame lefties.![]()
Robin DiAngelo said:“Racism exists today, in both traditional and modern forms. All members of this society have been socialized to participate in it. All white people benefit from racism, regardless of intentions; intentions are irrelevant. No one here chose to be socialized into racism (so no one is “bad’). But no one is neutral – to not act against racism is to support racism. Racism must be continually identified, analyzed and challenged; no one is ever done. The question is not ”did racism take place”? but rather “how did racism manifest in that situation?” The racial status quo is comfortable for most whites. Therefore, anything that maintains white comfort is suspect. If you are white, practice sitting with and building your stamina for racial discomfort”