Toshiba HDD RMA in the UK?

25 Sep 2006
Does anybody know if Toshiba have a UK based contact centre for dealing with RMA's on their harddrives.

I contacted them via their USA website, the only one I could find, to be given a very unhelpful generic e-mail reply which didn't even answer my questions!


My HDD failed the other week. It's a Toshiba 500GB (MK5055GSX S/N 5970T191T).

However I'm in the United Kingdom but could only find contact details and RMA information on your USA website.

Will I have to send the HDD to America? or do you have a department in the UK I can contact?

Thanks in advance,

The reply,

Dear Customer,

The Toshiba Storage Device Division Warranty Service Center has been consolidated from Oct 1, 2010. Since our acquisition of the Fujitsu HDD brand you may have had to contend with two separate warranty processes and warranty service centers. PCS for Toshiba branded hard disk drives and FNC for Fujitsu branded hard disk drives.

Beginning Oct. 1, 2010 you have only one warranty returns process and one warranty service center to contact for all of your Toshiba Hard Disk Drive warranty service needs.


Call us at - 1-877-689-4899 or visit us on our web site = / Support / Warranty Support

Technical Support will remain the same -

Phone - 510-651-6798

E-mail -

Sholeen Chaudhary
Toshiba RMA Dept-USA
Order Admin Supervisor
(510) 651-6798 opt 1

Has anybody dealt with Toshiba for a HDD RMA before with any success?


I would give them a call mate as they don't seem to have an online RMA system for their HDD's....

Toshiba Electronics Europe
Delta House
Farnborough, Hampshire
Phone: 0870 0602370
That number then passed me onto 0847 847 8944 which is computer systems & external storage repair. I was then passed to their 'storage divison' which deals with internal drives, a freephone international number: 00800 846 85 463 which was completely useless. Their operator was almost inaudiable and no help at all mentioning something about having to go to the retailer for warranty information?!

I've e-mailed them from this link:

I'm not sure if I'm suprised their RMA procedure is turning out to be a complete ballache.
Sounds like a right PITA mate. Much easier with Western Digital and Samsung.

I'll bare that in mind when purchasing hardware in the future! I've called the independant retailer I brought from and have left it with them. It was brought June 2009 so has a little warranty left. It failed so hard back around March/April that after testing it with BIOS utilities that eventually when posting 'FAIL' just came up full screen in DOS style.
Says it all here.Tosh only provide RMA to OEM which is a pain.
Also got one Toshiba drive which I bought from a small local shop which
close down already.

Thank you for contacting the Toshiba Storage Device Division.

Toshiba does not provide a direct repair or replacement service for anyone other than our OEM customers. It is not possible to make claims directly to Toshiba in cases of possible defects.
You can read about our terms on the following website:
I am not able to replace the defective HDD for you.

Have a pleasant day.

Kind regards

Hagen Hirsch

Technical Support
Storage Device Division

AtaRo, spot on. I don't really understand what this means that they offer no warranty to the consumer buying stand alone hardware?

I spoke to the store I brought it from and they've been very good and said that they will send it back for RMA despite it being out of their one year warranty as they seem unwilling to deal with me them self. So I popped it in this afternoon. They told me I had a 2 year warranty a few months back, whether or not this is correct I've no idea but hopefully I might end up with a replacement drive.
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