Total War:Atilla

15 Feb 2011
CA/SEGA have no shame.

The place holders were the germanic units the celts had previously. The DLC brings the 3 factions their own roosters and buildings/unique faction traits. Just like how the longbeards etc had normal units until their DLC.

Pretty standard since the factions were first restricted in empire?
15 Feb 2011
Nutella the Celts should have been in the game from day 1

You can say that of any faction group or even just the principle of DLC. Its not really an argument against this particular release (again, you've had to unlock factions since ETW). If you dont want to pay just use radious mod or any other faction mod?

it sickens me to see all the DLC that has come out for something that should have been an expansion.
Expansions work on exactly the same principle as DLC? All of R2TW's extra dlc campaigns would have just been part of its expansion.
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15 Feb 2011
Nutella if you are happy with the constant milking then good for you mate, you keep on spending!
Havent spent any money on DLC's actually :) Main game and get mods is my tactic. Has been since alexander, if you remember that very poor campaign they attempted to sell as an expansion?

Personally I'm done with this Total war series
fair enough. I'd suggest just not buying the dlc's if they offend you so much so you can take advantage of the great modding scene thats always given longevity to the series but nevermind
15 May 2012
I guess having to rescue this topic from page#7 says a lot....

However I finally picked this up recently along with the Celtic DLC and Im really enjoying it. I've completed a minor victory with the Caledonians on hard, tricky at the begining but then easy once you break out of the British Isles and have access to wealth.

Its a shame they felt the need to repackage this as a seperate game rather than a DLC/Expansion as it feels, the family tree stuff is great and deffinately what Rome lacked :(
15 Oct 2005
Earth, for now
1 Feb 2015
I think this might be my favourite TW so far, liking the empires of the sand dlc, and playing the huns is a new kind of gamestyle.
1 Nov 2007
I think this might be my favourite TW so far, liking the empires of the sand dlc, and playing the huns is a new kind of gamestyle.


Attila and Rome 2 have been the two games that drove me away from the total war series. I've been playing it since the very first total war game (Shogun) and have enjoyed it immensely. I easily have hundreds of hours of play time racked up over the course of the whole series.

Having said that I've played Rome 2 for 8 hours and Attila for 30 minutes. Dreadful games.

The best game in the series has the be the original Rome Total War. I managed to pick up Medieval 2 Total War on the Steam Christmas sale as well and will be looking forward to playing that again (I lost my old CD for it somewhere and Steam makes managing which games you have installed much easier).

I made the move to Paradox games in the quest for decent strategy games and haven't looked back since. If you have never played Europa Universalis 4 or Hearts of Iron 3 or Crusader Kings 2 or Victoria 2 then you have 4 games that are so much better than this rubbish you'll wonder why you thought this game was so good :).
1 Jul 2008

I made the move to Paradox games in the quest for decent strategy games and haven't looked back since. If you have never played Europa Universalis 4 or Hearts of Iron 3 or Crusader Kings 2 or Victoria 2 then you have 4 games that are so much better than this rubbish you'll wonder why you thought this game was so good :).

Any of these similar to TW games though? They all seem high-level map control games.
24 Dec 2007
Any of these similar to TW games though? They all seem high-level map control games.

Depends which areas of the game you prefer.

Personally my interest in the TW games was always the campaign map with a bit of the battles mixed in. I autoresolved the majority of the battles though so for me EU4 is what I'm after.

Just bought it in the christmas sale and it's a far more complex and difficult empire builder than the TW games attempt to be, so I doubt I'll be spending as much time with TW games now in future.

If you're in it for the battles though, then paradox games are probably not the best bet.
14 Sep 2010
Batley, Leeds

Attila and Rome 2 have been the two games that drove me away from the total war series. I've been playing it since the very first total war game (Shogun) and have enjoyed it immensely. I easily have hundreds of hours of play time racked up over the course of the whole series.

Having said that I've played Rome 2 for 8 hours and Attila for 30 minutes. Dreadful games.

The best game in the series has the be the original Rome Total War. I managed to pick up Medieval 2 Total War on the Steam Christmas sale as well and will be looking forward to playing that again (I lost my old CD for it somewhere and Steam makes managing which games you have installed much easier).

I made the move to Paradox games in the quest for decent strategy games and haven't looked back since. If you have never played Europa Universalis 4 or Hearts of Iron 3 or Crusader Kings 2 or Victoria 2 then you have 4 games that are so much better than this rubbish you'll wonder why you thought this game was so good :).

I've went ahead and purchased Europa Universalis 4, this is one complex game. Can anyone recommend a good tutorial?
24 Dec 2007
I've went ahead and purchased Europa Universalis 4, this is one complex game. Can anyone recommend a good tutorial?

I watched people play for hours before I got the hang of that game. My advice is to 100% start as ottomans. They have no real threats around them so you can get the hang of how stuff works pretty easily.
14 Jun 2012
Halstead, Essex
Trying to get into it again. Played it last night as the Geats and the Saxons attacked a settlement i just took. 2800 vs my 1800 wounded army. Had great fun setting up 3 choke points through the town. Ended up with 800 saxons vs my 400 Geats including my war lord. Held the high ground and it ended up with just the war lords against each other but my 140 beat their 90 :)
28 Oct 2011
I don't think it's too bad adding new factions as DLC, you don't really need them to play the game but it gives you a chance for some extra content for a few extra quid.

Yeah it's certainly an improvement on getting the whole game on day 1 for a single price. Much better that the game is chopped up into little bits and has to paid for over and over again.

I'm hoping that 'sound' will soon be a DLC and we can look forward to paying extra for that also.
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