Total War:Atilla

10 Jun 2011
453 according to wiki. Yeah you have a point, it's a balance of artistic licence versus historical accuracy.

I still dislike it though. It's a similar situation to the Eastern and Western Roman Empires in this game, I'm sure I remember reading something along the lines of "rebuild the Roman Empire and reverse the course of history" either in-game or in some promo for it, so why is it different for Attila? What is also irritating is that it's not just Attila that reappears constantly until his actual death, Hun armies continue to magically reappear all over the eastern side of the map. If you destroy one, another will just pop up in a different province. It makes expanding east almost impossible in this game, and so it just comes down to a war of attrition with the Huns. I'm sure this is fun for some who are looking for historical accuracy, but I'd rather be given the chance to crush the Huns.

After Attila dies the Hun armies stop respawning so you can crush them then.
20 Aug 2013
Somewhere in London
CA haven't said anything about the Blood & Gore pack afaik, but it can't be long.

I'm playing as the Huns at the moment - it isn't as easy as the AI makes it look. Because you can't settle (without modding) you're always one stupid decision or one big defeat away from complete annihilation. I've had to restart twice: once when I stupidly went after a remote settlement with only two ways out, and most recently when I attacked the Sassanids. They convinced pretty much everyone southeast of Constantinople to declare war on me and before I knew I had it around 10 armies chasing me back up to Hyperborea, tail between my legs.

Attila is 11 years old now. I'll have my revenge when he comes of age.

EDIT: Maybe CA have just over-corrected from complaints that the campaign AI was too passive in past TW games, but they need to do something to help the AI get its priorities right. Sending armies across the map to attack the player when you've got wars to fight back home is just odd. Something like higher integrity penalties for spending time outside your or allied territory.

The Sassanid's satrapies could do with being a bit more rebellious. It's all far too friendly over there.
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25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
453 according to wiki. Yeah you have a point, it's a balance of artistic licence versus historical accuracy.

I still dislike it though. It's a similar situation to the Eastern and Western Roman Empires in this game, I'm sure I remember reading something along the lines of "rebuild the Roman Empire and reverse the course of history" either in-game or in some promo for it, so why is it different for Attila? What is also irritating is that it's not just Attila that reappears constantly until his actual death, Hun armies continue to magically reappear all over the eastern side of the map. If you destroy one, another will just pop up in a different province. It makes expanding east almost impossible in this game, and so it just comes down to a war of attrition with the Huns. I'm sure this is fun for some who are looking for historical accuracy, but I'd rather be given the chance to crush the Huns.

It sounds like the Huns work similarly in Attila as the Mongrels did in M2TW where 'hordes' of full stack units would just appear from the side of map at random. It's there to provide a challenge for the player so they can't just kill Attila in the first few moves and steam roll the rest of the map.
6 Oct 2004
I haven't seen the Huns for ages in my Visigoths campaign. I'm far too busy trying not to get destroyed by all the barbarians and Africans who have teamed up against me!
15 Feb 2011
I haven't seen the Huns for ages in my Visigoths campaign. I'm far too busy trying not to get destroyed by all the barbarians and Africans who have teamed up against me!

I've had games without even seeing them. I settled the franks in northern africa and took the bottom of the map by the time they had died off.

Had a huge problem facing the sassanids puppet states (didnt do too badly against them but the puppets are killer). had to resort to saudi arabia and half of turkey and then raiding out and wiping cities out individually to chew away at them.
25 Jun 2006
Spent 3 evenings restarting a new Ostrogoth campaign running away from the Huns, tried everything but they kept getting me around turn 7/8. Last attempt I took straight to sea and sailed to Spain. Started sacking WRE settlements and to my amazement, the Huns offered me a peace treaty and some monies. So all is good and I can actually continue a new game lol.

Still loving this so much :)

EDIT: What are peoples thoughts on the Radious mod? I don't know much about it being a TW noob. Does it improve the game a lot and is it worth it for a newbie?? I don't think I am good enough to notice most of vanilla's flaws (other than obvious ones like the stupid high imperium thingy or being chased across the map etc) so would it be worth it?
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15 Feb 2011
EDIT: What are peoples thoughts on the Radious mod? I don't know much about it being a TW noob. Does it improve the game a lot and is it worth it for a newbie?? I don't think I am good enough to notice most of vanilla's flaws (other than obvious ones like the stupid high imperium thingy or being chased across the map etc) so would it be worth it?

At the moment its just new units and some rebalances, check the changelog, see if it sounds your cup of tea and install :) you can still play vanilla or uninstall it if you dont like it.
20 Aug 2013
Somewhere in London
So Attila has finally come of age. He is a 'merchant' and one of his two character traits is 'fearful.' I've had him try to find a wife three times, and he's been rejected three times. Talk about anti-climactic.

22 Mar 2012
I don't think it's too bad adding new factions as DLC, you don't really need them to play the game but it gives you a chance for some extra content for a few extra quid.
20 Aug 2013
Somewhere in London
Release date for the Celtic culture pack confirmed as 25th March. Info:!?

Specialising in ambush tactics, all units in the Celtic faction rosters have the Guerrilla Deployment trait. This enables them to deploy every unit in their army almost anywhere on the battlefield – even behind enemy lines. As specialists, Celtic nations should not be expected to perform as all-rounders; an experienced commander will play to their strengths with deadly effect.

And there'll be a patch next week, including some new mercenary units:

Next week we'll be releasing a new update to Total War: ATTILA that brings with it plenty of unit rebalancing as well as many performance, technical and gameplay improvements. For example, AI factions are less likely to raze settlements in the first 100 turns, they are also easier to trade with and less aggressive towards hordes.

It also introduces a raft of mercenary Celtic units and ships which may be recruited by any forces stationed in and around the Brittanic, or as the Greeks named them, Tin Isles.

Sounds good to me.

EDIT: Just noticed this:

Zooming in and out of the Family Tree in Campaign modes is now possible using the mouse wheel.

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