Yes, you are right, it's everyone else that actually seem to understand the situation who are wrong, that is the most logical explanation
As usual it only takes a handful of wilfully ignorant people for them to start thinking they're "everyone".
The law is perfectly clear. If you want to commit a public order offence in the privacy of your own home, the onus is on you to prove you have no reason to believe whatever you do whilst committing that offence will be seen outside of it. Or prove that you were acting reasonably. Otherwise as far as the Public Order Act goes, whatever do committing the act is not private, it's public.
Everything else on this matter, from an "is it a crime?" POV is irrelevant. According to the that particular law, yes it is.
You can argue that the law is wrong, outdated or whatever or even say it's not applicable (but considering that's what they were arrested for duh). But thinking what they did is not illegal is just plain incorrect.
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