Tower block fire - london

Firstly, we start where it hurts, money and share price. Fine them a large percentage so share holders run for the hills because the company can’t get its act together. It’s amazing how CEO’s change their tune then money and shareholders are concerned, suddenly the will be fix things magically starts.

I know it’s totally against the free market, let them self regulate, friendly for business mentality we’ve been told is the promised post Brexit land, Singapore on the Sea nonsense but it’s clear things won’t change. Firms won’t change and why should they? There is no incentive to and the powerful lobbyists always seem to win, with watering down of promised legislation, eg workers rights being the latest, which I guarantee will essentially be unchanged, with “right to ask your boss for this or that but they can just say…no”, so waste of time then.

Actually I think it would be far more effective to jail those who implemented this who full well knew what they were doing. Hitting the shareholders doesn't hurt them. Sending them to prison does.
Actually I think it would be far more effective to jail those who implemented this who full well knew what they were doing. Hitting the shareholders doesn't hurt them. Sending them to prison does.
I agree but the UK just doesn’t follow though, we don’t want be seen as anti-business by jailing FTSE 100 millionaire bosses. Short of staff emailing each other saying they hate poor black people so let’s create some highly combustible cladding so we kill them, it just won’t happen. It’s for optics, this talk of reform so we can jail them.

I truly wish it wasn’t like this but it is.
I agree but the UK just doesn’t follow though, we don’t want be seen as anti-business by jailing FTSE 100 millionaire bosses. Short of staff emailing each other saying they hate poor black people so let’s create some highly combustible cladding so we kill them, it just won’t happen. It’s for optics, this talk of reform so we can jail them.

I truly wish it wasn’t like this but it is.
Jailing is pointless as it will be some piddling scapegoat offered up for sacrifice.

Nah the only way they'll learn is some very unsubtle persuasion via MI5. If the government remains this feckless for much longer then our cyberpunk future awaits in all it's horrific quality.
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Actually I think it would be far more effective to jail those who implemented this who full well knew what they were doing. Hitting the shareholders doesn't hurt them. Sending them to prison does.

That rarely happens. When people are jailed, it's usually scapegoats and the people who benefited most go unpunished. If they're good at being sociopathic profit-seekers, they'll have scapegoats ready to go. And that's in countries that are less amenable to death-causing sociopathic profit-seeking than the UK is. Here, nothing much will happen. Just some noises until the media stops paying attention.
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