Track your poop

Anyone else block the toilet each poo they have?

Im quite regular, 1 poo a day and I mean its massive... like 9-10 inches long easily, its always breaching the water surface... then theres the secondary fire which is more of a sachet to the side. But its like 4 Walls Sausages thick, god knows how I cant feel it in my gut before I unload, but its mental.

Problem is, never flushes, so in goes the hand to help it on its way. Puts me off poo'ing atm tbh.

Sounds like you need to phone the waterboard prior to each visit, so they can get the big knifes out down the **** farm.

Alternatively you could grasp your buttocks and go at it like an accordian player in fast forward.
Yeah, it's turned left and I can see exactly where it's heading for -


Looks like it's enjoying a spot of golf.
Who has the fastest poo? If it's a big long one surely it will go faster? But if you have a big fat yellowy poo it will be slower. Also depends on traffic. :D
What a load of poop

I tracked mine which should have gone 15 metres then plonked into my septic tank. However it must have escaped and is now running down the road
Hmm, mine seems to be heading through fields and a forestry. I doubt this is genuine, unless it's managed to escape and is making a run for it.
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