Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Trading 212 playing up for anyone else? Been trying to deposit for my monthly buys today and none of the usual methods are working...ended up sending a BACS transfer. Be annoyed if I miss a bounce because of it!
nah been working fine here.

I'm sticking to my picks, and just continuing to DCA without thinking about it this year. Balance right now doesn't matter. It's really just not worth dicking about with.
nah been working fine here.

I'm sticking to my picks, and just continuing to DCA without thinking about it this year. Balance right now doesn't matter. It's really just not worth dicking about with.
BACS transfer went through in the end. Truelayer and card payments just weren't working yesterday.

I'm still just DCA-ing, but each month I sit and wait for a big downward lurch before I make the buys. It's a good 10% usually so well worth being patient. My picks are still SMT for my SIPP (trading at a 15% discount atm), and 50:50 Intel/AMD in my ISA.
Thread has got PTSD from recent selling I think :D all the commodity stocks back top today

Decent couple of days .also the Big short film is probably the most entertaining economics /trading lesson I e ever had . especially with some follow up research of synthetic CDOs and the collapse of Lehman brother's ect
Egypt is vulnerable to food prices. The country subsides petrol and also ingredients needed for bread. Russian actions effect the world unfortunately, ideally the black sea would be secured by an international task force to ensure Ukraine can export still. 1 million trucks would be required to replace normal shipping.

Big Short (2015) still relevant now so worth watching just to recognise better the next deleveraging event. The Economist printed a whole article on the macro effect of these bonds failing, the timing was March 2008 in that film the Bear Stearns failure (JPM took them) and in UK it was at this time Halifax had a flash crash and it was labelled as a trick or fraud, shorting should be illegal etc. Halifax was basically gone, it wasnt wrong and despite reading the article I didnt realise how easily banks fall. Most dont consider bonds just equity values. It wont repeat now still its relevant to watch that film, classed as a comedy but based on real people and events.

Lehmans had an offer just like Bear Stearns to be taken over, from Bank of Korea in the summer and they refused. It was all really dull, imo its relevant to now that people know what is happening, its jenga :p Markets rose after Bear crashed
I keep sensing some crash is coming, I'm still buying in each month but ready to pump in a lump sum if it tanks.
I'm just in the process of transferring an isa to Vanguard for cheaper costs, I'm quite tempted to keep most of it as cash in there for now and DCA a couple of hundred in a month from it in case things tank shortly.
Does that sound mad?
I'm just in the process of transferring an isa to Vanguard for cheaper costs, I'm quite tempted to keep most of it as cash in there for now and DCA a couple of hundred in a month from it in case things tank shortly.
Does that sound mad?

Doesn't sound crazy, obviously the risk is a sudden turn in market sentiment but that seems so unlikely right now. This winter is going to be carnage imo.
My prediction - There will be quite a big general financial crash quite soon, probably mid August. It is quite hard to position yourself against this as most asset classes will be affected. Personally I would not be buying any stocks until I had seen this crash take place. Right now, there is a lot of macro risk, as in risk of a banking crisis, which could affect the stock market. The question is, where do you take cover, because leaving large amounts in cash could also be risky.
My prediction - There will be quite a big general financial crash quite soon, probably mid August. It is quite hard to position yourself against this as most asset classes will be affected. Personally I would not be buying any stocks until I had seen this crash take place. Right now, there is a lot of macro risk, as in risk of a banking crisis, which could affect the stock market. The question is, where do you take cover, because leaving large amounts in cash could also be risky.
Is this the set up to you posting Bitcoin as the answer to your question?
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