You hitting the jackpot with those 3x longs! Super risky with this volatility. I actually hung onto the 3x short I had until it was nearly flat, but won't be doing that again, it was 60% down at one pointI'd feel more confident on short positions than long right now still!
Think I'll keep building my Intel stake this month, dividend is pretty good. Think I'm done trading tbh just going back to boring accumulation mode, leaning towards decent dividends rather than growth.
It's been the only good trades this year.
I have a mental difficulty shorting.
Im annoyed I didn't sell my Ezj and I'm annoyed I didn't short it. Because I remember thinking when they were talking initially about the cancellations.. I bet this hurts the price.
Didn't act on it.
With the tesla I wait until I think there's a bottom. Something I've always been OK at. But for some reason I'm better at selling these. I think because I have a 'in and out' mentality from the off. With my others I go in with 'long term hold'.
I'd say I'm. 80 percent good at buying.
20 percent good at selling!