Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

How old are you/what's your life stage?
36, 2 young children, moved into a bigger house in 2018. Job changed in January. Not real chance of progression now.

Local government pension, which I'm certain I'll be dead before I can draw anything ! So investment plan would be 10-20 years.

Ordering that naked trader book tonight. Decided to go for Kindle version.
Was wondering what happened to tech after hours, looks like it's the US government telling nVidia to stop selling it's AI-focused GPUs to China and Russia.

Been wanting a bit of nVidia for a while but they haven't really been an attractive price, maybe now's the time to shuffle some stuff.
You thinking of dipping back in at some point?

Pfft no idea. Unfortunately money is sitting there obviously losing value with inflation but what else is there to do.

Just wait I guess.

I'll go on at some point. Covid was easy. It was a sharp event and easy to throw money in.
This is a long slow decline.
Expect I'd only consider going back in at hints of peace.
Took my BP profits last week, was 30% up and with whats going on with the elec/gas markets I'd much rarther take some profit. It'll probably shoot up again next year especially if they are buying renewable generators.
Still putting in my monthly payments each month, just means I get more value on bad weeks.

Trying to pivot into more $ tech recently. Looking at the big guys like MS,Apple,Amazon also Disney.
I can't see me buying anything in next 3-6 months with what's on the cards.

If the whole of Europe is being plunged into the dark ages few stocks are Going to be immune.

Chance of many more cineworlds on the cards
I can't see me buying anything in next 3-6 months with what's on the cards.

If the whole of Europe is being plunged into the dark ages few stocks are Going to be immune.

Chance of many more cineworlds on the cards
Which few. Surely those are the ones
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