Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Basically I'm looking for massively over reacted drops now.
Where the business is very profitable but some scandal is occurring but priced in.

Most memorable time this happened was when BP had it's deep horizon blow.
Sp tanked but the company was still profitable.

In this hyped market that's what I'm looking for at the moment

The figures for close brothers stand out

But need to research if the scandal. Is fully priced in.
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AMD is already valued like it has intels market share I'd avoid it personally

They aren't competing in the high end graphics card market anymore either, they could have a flop of a cpu and it would absolutely hammer the stock price, where as they could have a dominant cpu for the next 2-3 years, and their stock price likely would barely move.

The growths priced in
Intel - hmmm not for me - that's a big turnaround required in a volatile market. Lost $15bn as a tech giant in a tech bubble. Quite a lot of debt also. I think it might be a while before they get some positive price movement.
The fx hit?
how many millions are you investing for that FX to feel like a hit?
It's 1.5% right? Feels like a lot to me, that's like a year's worth of charges on the most expensive fund you can find, but maybe that's just me used to cheap etfs.

Edit: apparently it's 0.15%, I must have read it when tired :)
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It's 1.5% right? Feels like a lot to me, that's like a year's worth of charges on the most expensive fund you can find, but maybe that's just me used to cheap etfs.

Edit: apparently it's 0.15%, I must have read it when tired :)

Yeah it's a tiny amount. Barely register it mentally. Thought I was missing something
AMD is already valued like it has intels market share I'd avoid it personally

They aren't competing in the high end graphics card market anymore either, they could have a flop of a cpu and it would absolutely hammer the stock price, where as they could have a dominant cpu for the next 2-3 years, and their stock price likely would barely move.

The growths priced in

I have bought a few AMD at 122 their average price target is 185 not going to make a fortune but they have hit the bottom I reckon. Earnings per share are predicted at 33%.

Similar situation with Nike, I bought some in September as they seemed to have bottomed out and I'm 8% up now.
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I read that's the tangible book value (TBV) which is a phrase I've never encountered and is the minimum an investor would receive if they were to liquidate. Not sure how true that is, mind
it's price too book ratio is 0.87 or so right now.
TBV is 19.51$

Those numbers can get worse/better next earnings though
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I bought another 20 to average down a bit :/

maybe in a few years it'll be worth something, surely nothing else can go wrong for intel now though..

CPU rep in tatters.
CEO fired.
Sentiment in the population is mostly negative to the intel brand etc.
seems they still keep flogging cpus to the business segment somehow.

surely its a true value play by now and trumps vision of America surely helps intels road to recovery
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How much domestic fab capacity do Intel have in the US?

The real play with Intel is if China invades Taiwan.

Had a mooch back through my history, I last sold Intel at $33. That was a loss at the time, evidence that eating a loss isn't always bad!
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CDIO going crazy, thought I bought based on a comment here but not sure.
My £100 T212 initial 'investment' is now over £100 for the first time in a WHILE
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Is there much going for Intel though at the moment?
could be a pop when they hire a new ceo :D or we could see 18 dollars.
they have a new gpu coming out on the 13th, but I doubt it does anything for the stock

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