Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

From what I gather QE3 is only a short-term solution though, it really is quite concerning when looking at the long-term problems we are facing.
From what I gather QE3 is only a short-term solution though, it really is quite concerning when looking at the long-term problems we are facing.

i doubt they have a choice - there is no solution to this crisis except to kick the can down the road and hope they can inflate away from it.
Just playing about with spread betting demo on TDW. Scary how quick you lose money!

Yep it is.

But if you set your limits you can make some good money.

Unfortunately I'm not good at setting limits, but I did make £600 few days on shorting the Dow. I wouldn't reccommend it now as I really do not know for how long the Dow/FTSE will continue to fall at this rate.
Rule Britannia


Looking at HOC as too cheap. This guy explains its fair game Silver will track similar to gold (growing use as money) Strategy/term/Analysis

FXPO fallen out of its previously strong rise. I guess everything is rocked but they are still a very well placed iron ore producer

Spreadbets are leveraged, I do use them but the best advice is keep it small while you figure out why it looks too good to be true. 1 unit is 100 shares

Rockhop was rising on news, I didnt check -
Rockhopper soars on Sea Lion results

Rockhopper Exploration saw its shares shoot up as much as 25% on Tuesday, after the results from its latest Sea Lion appraisal well came in at the top end of expectations.

Im daydreaming about some good news on something I still own

I bought Lloyds and Barc but I sold the Barc to buy HOC. One of the two should do well, I originally got HOC in Feb 2010 before it doubled and sold it early, silver has gigantic potential.
Extremely volatile, downside target is 322 possible but its already underperformed the metal and metal price is what everyday turns them a profit not the shares pricetag
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Throwing money at a problem is just as bad as throwing wars at things like drugs and terrorism.

Its not a solution in any sense of the word, taxes really need to fall and wars simply need to stop.

Other than that the only good place to trade is in commodities, investing in oil would be very lucrative at the moment.
stuff halfords, BP oil still on sale today. Market up but BP pretty flat still. Really need a euro breakout to make this a proper rally not a ledge on the cliff

Text describes post bounce action


Yesterday I sold HOC, took Barc and then sold that to take FXPO. Did BARC go exdiv today because its up anyway so its hard to tell
Pity I didnt just hold all three but how was I supposed to know, still seems like it could reverse.

Reason for relative positive market is Federal reserve promised 0% rates till 2013. Out of respect for that genius I will buy back HOC on any negative replay today

Bought Essar as thats still depressed, they need good results on 22nd I think it is so hard to say but its half price

FTSE is capped, needs to breakout of fridays range. Price now is the 5 day average
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