Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

I do, it's gently weeping in the corner at the moment embraced with the 8 ball.


I missed the chance the last time the markets dropped so am tempted to get in with a few 'safe' companies for a modest increase. Beats sitting in the bank.

Although I hear it might be worth waiting for Ben Bernanke to release a statement tomorrow?

I missed the chance the last time the markets dropped so am tempted to get in with a few 'safe' companies for a modest increase. Beats sitting in the bank.

Although I hear it might be worth waiting for Ben Bernanke to release a statement tomorrow?

Rolls Royce is a safe bet in my opinion and I will be getting back into that soon. :)
Main thing is what would you have instead of Range. I'm probably going to top up a bit of it in my share account or I might buy BNC which yield tons - I think I have to do that instead

I see them between 10 and 15 and I'd sell some there.

Obviously this sell off means they lose the 2011 breakout 'idea', its a bit broken. Trading wise, selling at 13p marked the 5 day average
Long term still rising so I think 10 to 15 is fair game

VGM is losing it and that is a very costly to run gold mine so its harder to buy now
Its gone up 25% since then and CEY which I did get went down

Used to have Rolls. 6 PE? I do agree, they are needed for a couple reason. Turbines in power generation I think but also aviation is a bull market for Asia. 559 is very close to 550 which has marked lows for a couple years
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Well I’ve taken the plunge and sunk yet more money into what seems like a never ending black hole, let’s hope we can all make a good profit watching our shares climb back to previous trading levels.
Eying up BP and Std Chart atm.

Do you guys check through financial statements too? I'm well aware that they can be constructed in a manner in which they appear better than they actually are, especially ratios.
I check figures a bit but you will find working it out is like a full time job.
It relies on trust and the product must sell well- that bit is simplest.

The customers of BP and STAN must be rich enough or profits go. Thats why shares falling, both have enough money afaik?

QE3 is voodoo economics to quote Bush Snr. It helps exports? It lowers the cost of wages so maybe (and raises import costs)

Very big discussion, newsnight had a good guy on about it all. Listen to the whiny yankie -
Contrast that to happy crappy policy obama pumps out like QE3 and its easy to see why printing money just sounds better

Euro is still falling but is near fridays base prices which could hold still. Dollar is the one that should be weaker. Gold is squeezed up between the two

GarryWhite Garry White

Stoxx Europe 600 has just entered a bear market - down 20pc from February high #markets #ftse #gold #doomed

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Trouble is, until Span and Italy are 'sorted' (if they ever will be?) it's not looking too good is it?

Suppose as I'm thinking of doing it long-term (as in years not months) another drop shouldn't be too bad but still, shaky times ahead.
Well I’ve taken the plunge and sunk yet more money into what seems like a never ending black hole, let’s hope we can all make a good profit watching our shares climb back to previous trading levels.

Its a fair choice, I mean we all hope they return to where they were so why not make money on the way back up.
Bloody hell why has RKH fallen so much
Funding? How much money do they need, asset rich and insolvent maybe. I dont know but Im focusing more on Heritage etc who do have money and some production even

The reason why funding is in question is governments are in question. I never studied economics so its hard to figure out wtf will happen

Losing another 5% off cisco who I hold. Similar to apple with tens of billions in cash, I guess their prospects are stunted by loss of government business but thats ignoring any growth possible elsewhere
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