Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Is anyone else going to put more £ in or are you trying to minimise your current losses (gains?).

Euro found a bit of a floor against dollar now. Which means we avoid a nasty selloff into close I think

Instead of buying Barc on its 170 low I opted to buy back the Heritage shares instead. I got enough of Barc seriously it could recover but I see even Iraqi oil as more solid and better for my nerves.
However Iran just doubled its gas field reserves so region has competition to supply now I guess. India buys $1bn gas off Iran I think I read

Barc is 75% europe uk and usa, all in trouble, apparently HSBC is mostly asia now

Heritage support at 207 and 161 I drew in based off 2008 and range Im hoping for 183 to 230 this would match 2011 trend. Obviously I think its worth double or more
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Why has ARM fallen so much? They announced record profits :s

They were hit hard by the 2008 falls. Not sure why, their business model seems really good and a very profitable business. Maybe it's because they design chips which are the backbone of consumerism (mobiles) and that will be hit hard be austerity?
Thats the story for everything. ARM gains royalties on iphone production, Apple will get money from its itunes stores even when sales drop I guess.
It might make ARM more volatile and kinda leveraged to the pure production turnover.

Apple as part manufacturer can gain efficiencies, when economies lag it can make wages cheaper.

Imo if USA is poorer then Asia will be richer. We are mourning lost consumers instead of celebrating new ones, I think thats seriously possible. How many luxuries does one nation need anyway
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Do you think RBS are worth a punt? Currently sitting around 27.47 not so long ago they were up around 38
Ouch S&P500 crashing into the close FTSE futures down 200 at tomorrows open /gulp

When people get excited into buying in general internet forums like these, you know we've hit a mid term top. I've been watching this thread for a while and recently saw the excitement of "easy" money.

When people start posting in this thread "never again", "I had to get out" that's the buy signal. I'm still seeing "I'm averging down", so capitulatioon hasn't happened yet.
A share pricetag doesnt stop the company making a profit so in that sense capitulation isnt inevitable. In 2009 some companies were valued below their bank balances

A new lower low I never thought so because currency just keeps getting weaker.
Also if we price FTSE in gold we are already at 2009


Ashraf Laidi

Exactly THREE YRS AGO was the last time BOTH $SPX & $INDUbroke below their 200 week MAs..we know what happened then $$

FTSE futures is showing 4875 which about same as last years sell off That figure is from a spreadbet firm Sigma

A big level is 4500, big peak in volume there. That'd be my downside target but really it has to confirm loss of 5000 first

Bloody hell why has RKH fallen so much

Also XTA and Rio will start looking good if they fall another 10%.

Good news for holders of RKH, up 27% this morning where as HOIL which I buy is down a bit. Shows how much I know :o

Condor 4p. Obviously somebody big like RKH, nice to show faith justified for those holding
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Makes no difference if Greece default and they lose the £500million

Didnt they write down half there Greek exposure last quarter? The share price took a pummeling - and they paid off their PPI legal costs too resulting in a massive one-off loss.

The Q1 Business as usual actually produced a profit.

If everything wasnt so volatile, could be undervalued.
Tempted by BP now, dropped already today.

UK industrial production falls 0.3% in June, that'll do some good for the markets. :o

Im holding quite a lot of BARC,

Basically I have been whipped out (well paper loss)

No massive sign for them to go higher any time soon is there? Especially given their exposure to the EU.
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