I would say never follow the herd by then it's too late. People on here have been wrong so many times. Mortgage interest rates, bitcoin and altcoins, stocks, etc.
Use your own brain and do your own research and go with what your gut is telling you.
Right now I'd say gold is a safe bet. Because interest rate being slashed twice within the same month shows show how much **** is about to hit the fan. That isn't a prediction that is a fact. Dump stocks, dump cash and buy gold. When the £ crashes more. Switch it back to cash for a profit and then back into stocks when they bottom out. This is a long play. Wait until the £ is at it's weakest before switching back. Probably be around August / September if not wait for Brexit it will tank hard if that happens we may end up staying in to save the economy.
There you guys have it. You guys said where was your post last time when I came on here to say I'm glad I cashed out weeks ago. I'm telling you what to do now before it happens. Obviously I already got my gold before the £ tanked so I'm already ahead of you guys again on this one but I see it playing out for a bit longer and the £ tanking hard.
So many people and businesses are about to go under. This is going to be annihilation within the business world. Food retailers will be the only thing left standing tall within the retail market possibly pharmacies too but I don't think you need anything apart from paracetamol which costs like 20p in supermarkets. I see BP and Shell asking for govt bailouts. They can't compete with cheap middle east oil.