Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Well don't know what they'll open on tuesday at but so far so good.


Someone who bought the shares on Monday morning will be laughing all the way to the bank. (On Apr 9: 47.25 p)

A nice article Bankruptcy fears are receding as time passes.
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Just wondering how everyones doing with their shares as we've had some good gains in the last few weeks.
I started trading exactly one month ago and have since upped my investment to £9000, at this present moment I am £3500 in profit.

What makes you think that the research conducted by speculators is in any way comparable in the sense that it has to 'beat' research conducted by banks? Also since when has any bank spent anything in the region of 'billions' on models - quants are well paid, yes, but not *that* well paid.

Banks do have prop desks, mostly high frequency stuff mind, but most of the bank's 'trading' is market making/execution stuff - they earn money as market makers from providing a bid/offer and they have sales traders who generate margin/commission from executing client orders. They are not in the business of trying to bet money on the price of XYZ in x period of time.

The only difference is that banks are gambling on money that isn't theirs. They make the gain, while we play the game.
It's a good move, as a long term investment I'm extremely confident you can't go wrong at this price.

The annoying thing is, when I was younger and had far far more money than sense, and lots of disposable income, I lost lots of money on shares (during one of the crashes)...

Now when I've hardly got any disposable income (kids EAT MONEY), so need the cash, I have next to no money to invest at the moment :(

ps: I bought more RBS today at 41.7p... There's a good chance they might go down below that after todays amazing rally, but I would hope over the next couple of months (unknown flu issues aside) it's a safe investment.
I was one of the lucky ones who bought Barclays shares at a low price: 40000@62p. Today they're worth £1.70, so a nice £43000 profit in 3months! Not bad for a casual trader :)

Update: now £89K in profit with BARC :D

The short sellers have had their fun, now the bulls are in charge :D
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Update: now £89K in profit with BARC :D

The short sellers have had their fun, now the bulls are in charge :D

Nice stuff... Just wish I had the money to invest in the first place :(

BARC concerns me a bit at the moment. They just seem to have rallied a hell of a lot recently...
Nice stuff... Just wish I had the money to invest in the first place :(

BARC concerns me a bit at the moment. They just seem to have rallied a hell of a lot recently...

Your family and kids are more precious than any amount of money mate ;)

I share your worries with BARC, will be getting out any time now and making the tax man very happy :(

Will be busy topping up on some (hopefully) multi baggers, loving this bull market at the moment!

GL with your investments :)
Great work Jeff Star! I'd have a few goose bumps playing with such amounts!

Here's my modest balance sheet:


Edit: Just out of interest JeffStar, 40k is a lot of spare cash to have lying around, if you'd have lost that cash would it have ended you? :o
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Your family and kids are more precious than any amount of money mate ;)

I share your worries with BARC, will be getting out any time now and making the tax man very happy :(

Will be busy topping up on some (hopefully) multi baggers, loving this bull market at the moment!

GL with your investments :)

My main concern at the moment is the flu... ie: If the markets react badly to it over the coming weeks/months... But I guess even if they do, all that will happen is they will bounce back again afterwards...
Just out of interest JeffStar, 40k is a lot of spare cash to have lying around, if you'd have lost that cash would it have ended you? :o

I got in at 62p mate, the money i invested was only profit i'd made from other shares so wasn't particularly nervous at all. I'm also mortgage-free.

Good luck with your investment in the banks, you may be getting some free shares with LLOY as opposed to divis too :)
Good luck with your investment in the banks, you may be getting some free shares with LLOY as opposed to divis too :)

Here's the email I've just received.

RE: Lloyds Banking Group - Bonus Issue - Reminder

The Company have announced that as part of the HM Treasury recapitalisation scheme, the Group was required to suspend the payment of cash dividends to ordinary shareholders until the HM Treasury Preference Shares issued as part of the scheme are repaid. In the meantime however, the Board has approved a capitalisation issue of 1 for 40 ordinary shares held.

Shareholders will receive 1 new share for every 40 shares held. (These shares are issued free, in lieu of a cash dividend payment).

08 May 2009
Record date

11 May 2009
Ex capitalisation Date, shares admitted to trading and CREST accounts credited

Open Offer

We are also aware that there is an Open Offer pending whereby shareholders will be offered the opportunity to buy more shares in Lloyds TSB Banking. There are currently no dates or ratios available and I have been advised by the company that a prospectus is due within the next month or so.
Currently, this is the only information we have in regards to the open offer and we will advise further once the official information has been received from the company.
Just to let you know, global stockmarkets are about to rise around 40-50% in the next 3 months, so any buy and hold investments should be fine. Be wary of when inflation caused by money printing kicks in, current theory is for new stockmarket lows next year.


There you go... Another cast iron top - Quick, buy buy buy!

+10% since post, we're roughly 1/4 of the way through this move up. I haven't analysed the FTSE but my DOW target is 11200 within a year then we head down again. Quick translation gives about 5500 target for FTSE100.

Up 67% ytd, trading is easier when we're in a clear trend, in this case up.
Quick question guys, can I move my total cash isa amount into stocks and shares isas? These are existing ISAs, so I wouldn't be opening a new one, just want to know if I can transfer amounts around existing.

Edit: Just done some checking and it turns out you can transfer from previous cash isas into S&S isa, but you can't then move any amount back into cash isas.

Since that money is doing nothing for me, I may move it and buy lloyds shares.
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Apologies for being naive but most banks allow you to deal in shares, right, and they are just as good as one another in terms of manageing them and their fees?
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Apologies for being naive but most banks allow you to deal in shares, right, and they are just as good as one another in terms of manageing them and their fees?

I've had experience of a couple. They tend to be similar but simple... (which is all most people need).

Typically costs are £10-12 per transaction + stamp duty...
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