Brigandage. I think I have a new favorite word.
It is a real word... (And yes, it is rather nice! )
And the analogy is quite reasonable too IMO.
"Travelers" operate from defended citadels which the civil authorities fear to assault.
They make repeated raids on surrounding territories and homesteads with little chance of consequence or retribution because the civil authorities are simply too weak (Both physically and philosophically) to oppose them.
As I said, this is a military grade problem that needs to be treated as such and needs to be dealt with as such.
Anecdote time....
Garage I use for MOT's (And have done for last 40 years), Also does commercial recovery.
They were contracted by Surrey Police some years ago to "Attempt" to recover stolen vehicles from a "Traveler" site.
They were told to cover all their livery and wear balaclavas.
On the day, all the traveler Men came out to confront the Police carrying shotguns.
Surreys finest got back in their cars and drove home with their tails between their legs!
No vehicles were recovered!
More recently there was another incident involving Hampshire Police.
(This is on the web if you look, though it is hard to find)
As part of a wider strategy for a nights Viking (According to Bernard Cornwell. "Viking" is not a people, it is an action. "Viking" is Raiding. The "people" were Danes
), a bunch of ****** actually assaulted the Hampshire Police Helicopter base and smashed up the chopper so that their mates out raiding elsewhere could not be pursued from the air. The Officers present at the time were outnumbered and powerless to prevent this and just had to sit back and watch.
This is an utterly incomprehensible situation for us to be in! It really is....
(Elsewhere in the news, The MET boasts that it has nearly 1000 officers devoted full time to investigating "Hate Crimes")
Naplam followed by an AC-130 orbiting the site until all stores are expended.
Yeah, "Puff the Magic Dragon" never fails to impress!