Anyone playing now?
Been given another 4 beta invites, post below if anyones interested
I will take one off your hands!
I'd love one if you don't mind, loved the first two Tribes!
I'll have a key please if there is still some spares?
any more?
One has magic'd its way to your inbox now enjoy!
Sent all i have out atm, but i seem to get new ones every so often i think its after each patch? hopefully i will have more to give away soon.
Having fun with ranger atm, but don't know what class to get next tokens are hard to get imo feels like a huge grind & not enough reward. I do have 800 gold which i bought for vip etc tempted to spend some on technician class as i like base def & maybe sniper too.
Hoping to jump on tonight for a few games.. Got any tips?