Trick or treating

If you're going to give them sweets..... give them these.

I don't participate in trick or treating but around here its fine. Plenty of people take part, either giving or taking sweets. If you don't have halloween decorations in your front windows then you are left alone. I don't have time or energy to hate on this even though its not for me
Why do you loathe it? Do you begrudge children having a bit of fun just because it may inconvenience you slightly?

I just find it dumb. And whilst it may be a Scottish thing it's become an Americanism and has no meaning at all.

I don't begrudge children having fun. Hearing kids scream and giggle is the best thing ever.

I just don't get what's fun about going round to get sweets....

I prefer spending time with my kids doing more wholesome things. They can go and do it, I'm just not interested in taking part.
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I don't participate in trick or treating but around here its fine. Plenty of people take part, either giving or taking sweets. If you don't have halloween decorations in your front windows then you are left alone. I don't have time or energy to hate on this even though its not for me

Same around here. No decorations = move onto next place. It's well respected and people stick to it.
I have never done TnT'ing or answer the door to them.

General rule is those who do it only visit the homes with pumpkins and other Halloween stuff outside.

One thing this time, I finish work at 8:30pm. Still will switch off the doorbell. As some people on the local FB group said they had trick n treaters coming to their door at 11pm, which is too late. Even parents taking their 6 year olds round that time - on a school night too.

Teens want money. They can FO!

My friend's dad had his birthday last week and gets Lindor chocs as he loves them. Keeps the wrappers and wraps a Brussel sprout in them. When the kids come round, he chucks 1-2 of them into their bucket they carry with sweets. Kids forget which house gave them what and get a surprise when they unwrap the Lindor wrappers. :D :cry::p

About 4-5 years ago, a woman at my work stole 5-6 kids Halloween costumes. When walking home from work, I saw her, her friend or sister plus the 5-6 kids wearing the nicked costumes. Took a photo of them and showed the then store manager the following day. The costumes matched the ones she nicked on CCTV. She was banned and went to court. Turns out she nicked stuff from shops all the time. It needed my photo for the police to take serious action.
My gate will be locked.
I'm hiring a sniper.

Kill anything human.

Parents can do one, as well as the kids.

Yappy dogs can get it too.

Car drivers with pops and bangs exhausts, headshot please, make it clean.

Old biddies who stare at me. Bye.
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