"Triple A" games you wasted money on.

I have installed Alien Isolation to test on my new setup, and because I've never read anything bad about it, apart from IGNs review, and GameTM saying it over stayed its welcome by about 20 hours. What gets me is that everyone says it has amazing graphics? It doesn't in 1080p as far as I played(before I met the alien, and no I'm not scared...)

It does have amazing graphics, but not in a technical sense. The amazing thing about the graphics is an atmospheric/aesthetic thing, that they so perfectly captured and recreated the stylization of the original Alien movie and its design and era. Its so incredibly faithful to its source, thats whats amazing about its looks for me anyway.
I did not waste any money

Alien Isolation
Metal Gear Solid V(I might give this a good go again in 3440x1440)
Bioshock Infinite
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided/Deus Ex: HR
Farcry 3/4
Hitman series
Total War series
Star Wars: Battlefront
Max Payne 3
Her Story

were all money well spent (and I got plenty of them cheap on key sites). I could argue Star Wars Battlefront but my nieces love it so much it's worth it too.
I don't think like I've been burnt by the price of a triple A game in a long while. I've enjoyed each game I've bought and the ones that have been so-so I got rather cheap so got my monies worth out of them :)

I think the only game that was kinda wasteful was No Man's Sky but that wasn't a triple A title. I enjoyed the concept and the tech. It was just a shame they didn't do anything with it, not sure why my starter planet felt the same as planet 30... almost no reason to progress in that game, no story arc, no upgrade progression that was worth while and nothing new to see.
It does have amazing graphics, but not in a technical sense. The amazing thing about the graphics is an atmospheric/aesthetic thing, that they so perfectly captured and recreated the stylization of the original Alien movie and its design and era. Its so incredibly faithful to its source, thats whats amazing about its looks for me anyway.

I think I need to play it more, which I will(so I might remove it from my list eventually), to "get" what you and seemingly everyone else is talking about.

Wish they'd make a Predator game based in the jungle, like the original, my favourite alien, could do some amazing technical things with it. Maybe based on the "Predators" movie, where there are more than one predator on an alien world with friendly/foe human/alien survivors. Just had to get this idea out there!
I'd also add Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot to those two, as UO and Daoc are two of the greatest MMOs I ever played. There is , sadly, a lot of chaff in the MMO genre too though.

I've heard very good things about both of them, especially how good the communities were/are.
I don't think like I've been burnt by the price of a triple A game in a long while. I've enjoyed each game I've bought and the ones that have been so-so I got rather cheap so got my monies worth out of them :)

I think the only game that was kinda wasteful was No Man's Sky but that wasn't a triple A title. I enjoyed the concept and the tech. It was just a shame they didn't do anything with it, not sure why my starter planet felt the same as planet 30... almost no reason to progress in that game, no story arc, no upgrade progression that was worth while and nothing new to see.

I think NMS can be classed as a triple a title based on price and hype. I've never seen so much hype for a full price game for some time, it is up there with GTA V!
When I got back into PC gaming, Battlefield Bad Company and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4.

I quickly realised that these were not my cup of tea. I was used to Counterstrike and DOD so I found it hard to adjust to the gameplay - several shots to kill an enemy (this might be me though) and continual weapon upgrading were a bit of a shock.

Not AAA (although the costs add-up when purchasing a few DLC) Raceroom Experience. I now bemoan that if only I had purchased Stock Car Extreme (Automobilista) sooner.
That last hyped game I fell for and purchased on released was Spore. Played like 8 hours and never touched it again. Ever since then I've only purchased release titles I've really wanted to play which hasn't been much really. The last "AAA" release purchase I made was Fallout 4 but for all its flaws I've played it a lot and still like it enough.

I've made many cheaper game purchases though (£20 or less) and never played much of them. I've bought games like GTA IV, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Red Alert 3 but couldn't get into them and dropped them after a few hours.
None. I don't buy every big release just because everyone else is.

The only AAA title I bought in last two years was GTA V and that was not a waste as I knew I would like it. I put in 300 hours into that game. Don't understand how people find it boring. The story is rubbish but the actual game is great and cunning stunts online is a lot of fun. You get a lot more out of GTA if you use your imagination.
I am overly careful with money and each game purchase is carefully thought out for days on end, even though the cost might only be a few hours wages. I have avoided a fair few trainwrecks and learnt from each one.

MW3 - I bought months after release, ignoring everyone saying it was trash cause I loved MW2 so much and it was super similar. It was similar but worse in every way. Ended my habit of buying CoD games every year.

BF4 - My last preorder. Regretted every penny I spent on the game and premium for 2 years as they tried to polish the pile of garbage that came out in 2013. However I started to play it the spring and am now really enjoy it. Just a shame that it took 2 years and destroyed the gaming clan I was part of.

Dark Souls 3 - Pirated and loved it, bought it and massive problems became apparent. Hitboxes, instant attacks and the game being designed controller killed all motivation to git gud and I just moved on. I aim to go back, learn the KB+M controls and beat it.
The only recent titles I have purchased that I would consider a waste of time and money are-

Mad Max
The Evil Within
Murdered Soul Suspect

My own fault. They were 3 games I wasn't sure about and I should have waited for sales.
I was listening to a bit of the lavish Diablo 2 soundtrack earlier in the week and was reminded that Diablo 3 was my last big PC mistake. That lost £45 still hurts.

The jury will remain open on Total War: Warhammer and XCOM 2 (:() for the time being. Then again I didn't pay Steam's extortionate asking price for either of them.
Not begrudged any game apart from paying full price for Fallout 4. Still not really played it properly but I know I will in the end.

Other than that, I never buy on release and never pay full price. CDKEY sites for me and only a couple of months (or year) down the track.
I am overly careful with money and each game purchase is carefully thought out for days on end, even though the cost might only be a few hours wages. I have avoided a fair few trainwrecks and learnt from each one.

MW3 - I bought months after release, ignoring everyone saying it was trash cause I loved MW2 so much and it was super similar. It was similar but worse in every way. Ended my habit of buying CoD games every year.

BF4 - My last preorder. Regretted every penny I spent on the game and premium for 2 years as they tried to polish the pile of garbage that came out in 2013. However I started to play it the spring and am now really enjoy it. Just a shame that it took 2 years and destroyed the gaming clan I was part of.

Dark Souls 3 - Pirated and loved it, bought it and massive problems became apparent. Hitboxes, instant attacks and the game being designed controller killed all motivation to git gud and I just moved on. I aim to go back, learn the KB+M controls and beat it.

Haha, you're like me. I agonise for days over a £5 or £10 purchase.
Fallout 4
Far Cry Primal

Both terrible re-hashes relying on the 'brand name', Far cry i expected nothing more - but Fallout 4 will remain the biggest disapointment ever.

No Mans Sky

Think that's this years.
Civilization: Beyond Earth is the only AAA game I've bought at release and considered a waste of money.

AAA games after discounted and still a waste of money, Sim City.

AAA games I have dodged, Watchdogs, Dishonoured, BF:Hardline and all of the CoD games after Modern Warfare.
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