"Triple A" games you wasted money on.

The Division. In the space of three months I went from loving it to absolutely loathing it. I generally only buy games on release that I'm sure I'll like and usually only after consulting reviews, but I went rogue with that one. Fork you Ubisoft. Right in the eye.

I agree 100% but I feel obliged to team up with my mate when I'm online with him and it bores me to death. I got a solid 50hours out of it though, excellent value, and I have the season pass so it might get better... some how.
Street Fighter V

Spent more on this than I tend to these days.

I'm still not sure if it's meant to be finished yet and when I tried to have a play last weekend it stopped recognising my pads :/

I can't get IV Ultra in fullscreen! Being a Neo Geo fanboy my heart lies with the latest King of the Fighters on the PS4, blows all other fighters away in the playability department.
Dues Ex: Mankind Divided.

Put 5 hours into it, but can't be bothered to put in anymore. Bit of a fan of the series, but this one isn't grabbing, no matter how hard I try.
No a bad game, but yeah, wish I never bought it.

I'll go out on a limb and say, it is ****. You start with most abilities so sense of progression is limited straight away. The acting is crap. The script is crap. The story is crap. There are too many vents, gee where is the originality? I can't imagine anyone being happy spending £50 on it, even after completion. IGN give it 92, GameTM 6/10, I should have waited for GameTM to pop through my letterbox, as IGN must have been paid off.
Immediately come to mind are:-
Doom (2016) - rage quit/deleted after unable to defeat the mid-game boss (on the second round).
Sleeping Dogs - just got tarred trying to do the unarmed combat thing. I loved the atmosphere and Hong Kong surroundings but pointless if unable to get beyond the first few levels.

Thief - I completed a fair bit of this but got bogged down about half way, tired of stealth not really working, little reward for burglary and general lack of motivation.

The Game Of Thrones strategy game where you keep switching characters under-performed and ran out of steam for me.

I'm looking to pickup Doom soon when it drops to about £15, or nothing perhaps... just to experience it on my new setup as technically it is supposed to be awesome. I did well not paying £35 for that I think. I'll find out eventually.
Wow I love some of those games. I've got hundreds of hours clocked up on:

Company of Hereos 1/2
Total War series (before Total War Rome 2 - Rome 2 and after kinda sucked)
Dishonoured was also an awesome game

and I absolutely hated CoD: Ghosts, what an awful game.

Oh well different strokes for different folks. I can't think of any triple A games I've bought that I absolutely hated in recent memory but then I don't often buy games on release and my gaming time is much less than it used to be. Strategy games are my big thing. I love the depth involved in the really good ones especially Paradox games and other grand strategy games. I also enjoy MMOs which normally means I play one game for a long time only and don't really play any other games in the same period of time.

Well it might of just been the mood I was in to complete CoD: Ghosts as normally I don't like FPS games. I will look into Paradox, as I'd love a good strategy game. Got City Skylines which I've spent the grand total of 10mins on, but I think it's a glass of wine night game. Problem I have with something like Wow, is 1) I missed quite a few classics because I just wanted to play that, a big problem. 2) I'm useless at raids etc. and all the fancy acronyms and purple gear snobs etc.
I've bolded all the ones I loved. Most of the others I haven't played so I can't comment. Just goes to show how different people's tastes are. Those bolded titles make up hundreds of hours of gameplay for me, probably even into 1000 if you consider that BF BC2 got over 400hrs from me.

I get the sentiment of the post though. I'm sure everyone has bought a game they were super hyped about and ended up disappointed. Like xcom2. I spent £40 on it because I loved the first one, but it just wasn't different enough for me so I've only put about 8hrs into it. It's a great game but I felt like I had already played it.

hmmm maybe it's because I've got a shorter attention span now... maybe I'm getting old(42), there is something wrong at my end I know there MUST be!
Guild Wars 2 and Rome Total War 2. Couldn't get in to either.

I wish my list was this short. Guild Wars 2, massive letdown, very over hyped too. Enjoyed the very first Total War(for to mention), Shogan : Total War, I think I just lost interest in those types of games tbh. I have 4 of them, and can't get into any! Humble Bundle $15 for the lot deal.
hmmm maybe it's because I've got a shorter attention span now... maybe I'm getting old(42), there is something wrong at my end I know there MUST be!

I hear ya. My steam games list has all the new games near the bottom because kids/job/missus etc take up my time more these days. Rocket league is the only game I have time for these days!

Also, there is a multiquote button
any of the far cry series, i loved 2 on the ps3 but good god the pc version is unnessecarily awful if your on an amd card.

assasins creed unity, how ubisoft went from the peak of black flag to the dull grey and unengaging unity is beyond me, normally i get quite drawn in to an ac plot but unity had me give up of boredom halfway through.

the witcher 2, although i suppose it isnt the games fault, i just can't get into the witcher universe.

arma series, a game i want to love soo much but every time i do i hate it for being such an over-done poorly coded mess, if they spent less time making bee hair cast shadows and calculating how long you get blinded for when you go outside and more on the basic running of the game, optimisation and making the ai less like the gi joe super sniper geniuses they are it could be so much better.

civilization beyond earth, i dont know what it is about this game, but despite everything that should be great about it i just give up and go back to civ 5 (which is one of the few games i tolerate bugs on, rage inducing as they are, im hoping civ6 will be civ5 with bugfixes and mantle)

theif remake- because it should have been better than dishonoured, and it was not.

star trek- i should have known, games based off films are never good.
Far Cry 2
The Witcher
Dragon Age

TBC....(I've spent so much on crappy overhyped garbage that I can't remember)
I'll go out on a limb and say, it is ****. You start with most abilities so sense of progression is limited straight away. The acting is crap..

You absolutely do not start with most abilities. Of the ones you do they are at the first of several levels. There are several that you can choose to begin with, but that leaves many levels not accessed and none of the white overdrive abilities are readily accessible to begin with. By the end of the game you will not have expanded all the abilities, and there will be several you will not have accessed at all.
The acting is completely fine. I thought the script and story was OK, but that I suppose is a matter of taste. It is however a fact that the acting is not 'crap'.
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If you can use a gamepad I'd get one, xbox one pads are really good. Price of Deus Ex - Mankind divided, which cost me £50. I'm going to pirate the hell out of the next Deus Ex, believe me.

I have a controller. I just suck at using them.
I'm not sure if I paid full price for these or if they're considered AAA but my list of regrets would be:

Aliens vs Predator (the newest one)
Battlefield 4
Company of Heroes
Half-Life 2 (got as part of the Orange box that I bought for Portal)
L.A. Noire
Metro 2033
Mirror's Edge
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
Tales of Monkey Island
The Witcher
Rome 2 Total War

That was my last pre order.

I rarely buy new games now, just wait and see how they turn out and pick them up in sales if I still want it (normally I don't because they're often poop).

I regret Mass Effect 3 really, so much potential and it just felt terrible compared to the first two, the ending was just appalling.
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Games that I've bought at full price and insta-regretted off the top of my head:

Battlefield 3/4
A few of the cod games (i liked blops2 though).

I've come to realise if a shooters not an afps I'm probably not gonna like it :(
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