Trolling my 'rents.

Christ, ok, I think this has gone pretty much EXACTLY to plan folks. We are looking at a stage 3 meltdown right now. I have quite possibly given my mother a freakin' brain aneurysm.

Normally she's really bubbly, got a very happy tone to her voice and rarely gets angry. But she has this special tone of voice that I came to learn as a child growing up. Basically, this tone of voice you are about to hear is one I have only ever heard in my life moments before getting a massive bollocking and the sole of a slipper to my arse!

Ladies and gentleman, I give you Theophany's mum, probably with blood trickling out of her ears right now:

Another few minutes and I call, hopefully just as she's reaching critical mass.
Personally Id let it gestate a while longer - at least for a second call to come first - your move :D

ps3ud0 :cool:

Two more calls, no more voicemails. I'm noticing that none are coming from my dad's office or mobile number, they're all coming from home, which is a bit off. Normally my dad would do the 'dad' thing and call son first discreetly to ask what the hell I'm playing at and warn me of an impending ass-whooping from my mum...
I've just downloaded the voicemail recording. Too bad I don't have sound :( I'll have to wait an hour before I can hear it.
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