TV/Film epic moments

LA Confidential where Dudley Smith (James Cromwell) suddenly turns round and shoots Jack Vincennes (Kevin Spacey) whilst in the middle of a conversation making him a cuppa. I knew Vincennes died, as I'd read the book, but since his death in the film was so different from the book, it took me by surprise.
I actually quite like the last scene in 'Sunshine' when one of the characters families are stood in a frozen sydney harbour, the bomb goes off and the sun just shines that little bright brighter.

Awesome movie (marmite movie granted).
Lost has had its moments, the end of S1, S2, and the start of S1,S2,S3!

oops, forgot to edit.

In Cloverfield when the army are shooting the beast and 'our guys' are crossing the street. Best cinema moment ever
The end of Saw, when Jigsaw gets up off the floor. EPIC!

Terminator 2: "Come with me if you want to live"

Usual Suspects, detective figures out Soze has spun him a line and he just walked. :D
Boondock Saints ~ Rocco's Death

Green Mile ~ Coffey's Execution

Green Street Hooligans ~ The death of pete

Star Wars VI Return of the Jedi ~ "You already have luke, You were right..."

Heroes ~ Volume one finale

Lost ~ Season 5 finale

Prison break ~ Eventual Finale

New Dr Who ~ Death of the Master
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DS9 Season six when the fedaration fleet charges the dominion line.

Battlestar Galactica when the Galactica goes back the save the people on new caprica.

Film wise, the 3 way shoot out at the end of the Good, Bad and the Ugly

Usual Suspects ending
Most recently would be Wikus in the battle suit/mech in District 9. The shots of him inside it were awesome.

The Killer when Chow Yun Fat thinks twice about shooting that guy, lowers his gun and then changes his mind in a split second.

From about 2 minutes onwards.
Star Wars,I Am your father
Fallen, the end was pretty good, twisty.
The Sting, great movie & great twist.
The Heist, So many times you think ahh they got him this time.
The bucket List, the end makes my missus cry.
Battlestar Galactica when the Galactica goes back the save the people on new caprica.

From a recent TV show it has to be this, when BSG jumps into the atmosphere and is sinking towards the New Caprica landscape at a rate of knots!

The weightlifting scene, train crash aftermath and rescuing the kids in Unbreakable.

The end scene of the titanic, if our lass is around she's blubbing like a good 'un which sometimes sets me off too.

The Matrix: Neo - 'I know Kung Fu', Morpheus - 'Show Me'
The last scene rutger hauer done in Blade Runner.

I won't say what happens just for spoiler reasons but I loved it and it truly moved me. :)
A good TV episode moment would be in 24 day 6 when Jack fights Fayed and leaves him to hang to death and says "Tell your brother I say hi", or words to that effect.
BSG: atmospheric jump, probably the single coolest thing I have EVER seen in a tv show :D

Serenity: unexpected death :(

Goodfellas: single take scene walking through the restaurant

American Pie 2 & 3: Stifler has champers poured on him / eats a chocolate truffle

LOTR: Battle at Helm's Deep

Rome: Pullo's arena fight!!!!

Loads more that escape me at the mo.
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