TV/Film epic moments

Watched Wall Street last night, thought this was pretty epic.

And of course this.

What? It's epic. :p


Watched Lost 1-5 over the past two months. Too many epic moments to mention in that.

Pulp Fiction is full of epic moments but I probably can't link them. :p
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A few comments about the brilliant ending to the episode "Two Cathedrals" from the West Wing, but I have to throw this one in as my second favourite from the show..


Dax in lesbian relationship = win. Also one of the first lesbian kisses and storylines on TV.

Although it's not technically lesbian of course. :p
The West Wing - Entire Series.

Blade Runner - Epic ending, Esp these two quotes.

"Batty: I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die."

"Deckard: [narrating] I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life; my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die."
Can't find a clip of it on Youtube, but that scene on The Thin Red Line where they storm the village. The misty atmosphere, the carnage of the attack and the aftermath coupled with that spine chilling music. A truly epic scene from a massively underated film.

I think Saving Private Ryan stole most of it's glory when it was released. Awesome film though, one of my favourites.
end of The Usual Suspects
Rutger Hauers 'I've seen things...' scene in Blade Runner
the whole last scene of E.T. , from when Elliott and co. drive off in the van

I'm a bit of a stat trek TNG fan, the scene at the end of The Inner Light where (Sir) Captain Picard realises what's been going on, and his speech in The Measure of a Man at the end of the trial is great.

[edit] oh yeah, and the ufo bit in Dynasty (i think) was epic lol I was but a nipper when this aired but remember it well!
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The opening scene from Star Wars IV when the sounds of the ships engines and the battle start from behind and then hove into view on the screen over ones shoulders.

Surround sound may be common these days with everyone and their Gran having a system at home but back in the late 70s was still rare at the cinema and I don't think I saw (and heard) it properly at home until the early '90s.
The Omaha Beach landing sequence in Saving Private Ryan, the most realistic war film action sequence you will ever see or hear.
when marvin gets shot in the face in pulp fiction and the next 10 mins after the film.

snatch, the desert eagle .50 scene...

Predator has some of the most classic scenes ever.

some very good examples. Can't believe the thread starter picked battle star galactica??
The lift scene in the departed. Never thought leo was gona get it in the 3rd eye or the rest for that matter.
And the lawn cutter part of brain dead, yes peter jackson did make films before lotr or the priest kicking ass "this calls for divine intervention" classic film
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