There wasn't any noise about the blackout ending, in fact the PL made it crystal clear months ago that they supported it. What the PL are doing is phasing out Saturday 3pm's so that it's no longer an issue.
Broadcasters don't particularly want to show multiple matches at the same time and match going fans prefer Saturday 3pm's as opposed to early or late kick-offs, which is why the PL aren't just offering up 380 games in one go. It's been done gradually, with every rights sale seeing more games broadcast, fewer Saturday 3pm's. At the last rights sale they introduced simultaneous broadcasts for 2 rounds of midweek fixtures and at this sale they've introduced simultaneous broadcasts at the weekend. We're not at a point were around 70% of matches are being shown and they'll hardly any Saturday 3pm kick-offs. In 4 years time don't be surprised if all 380 games are sold and the blackout is still in place - they'll just be more simultaneous broadcasts over the weekend.