The PL gave Amazon a discount to persuade them to bid 6 years ago, in the hope that they'd make a big play for more rights in the future. Obviously that trial by Amazon wasn't successful enough for them to bid again and it's quite telling that no other streaming service has gone big either.Nothing for Amazon rather strange.
We don't know who bid as it was a blind auction, designed that way to increase the bids. If Amazon, Meta/Facebook, Apple or Google bid then they were outbid by TNT/Sky.Not what the PL wanted but not too bad for supporters. More games and one less subscription.
The PL gave Amazon a discount to persuade them to bid 6 years ago, in the hope that they'd make a big play for more rights in the future. Obviously that trial by Amazon wasn't successful enough for them to bid again and it's quite telling that no other streaming service has gone big either.
Given the PL's willingness to do a deal with Amazon at below the reserve price at the last auction and there being no meaningful increase this time (given that more games have been sold, they're actually getting less per game than before), I'd be amazed if Amazon made any meaningful bid. The PL are gagging for Amazon or another streaming platform to come on board - that's why they offered whole midweek packages last time and why they're offering more simultaneous matches this time too.We don't know who bid as it was a blind auction, designed that way to increase the bids. If Amazon, Meta/Facebook, Apple or Google bid then they were outbid by TNT/Sky.
Indeed. And looks like there’s no 20:00 Saturday games, unless I’m missing something. Thank god, if that’s true.So there will be no games on Amazon at all?
Aren’t those games normally rescheduled games?Indeed. And looks like there’s no 20:00 Saturday games, unless I’m missing something. Thank god, if that’s true.
Although some are, the Saturday 8pm slot was a scheduled time for x amount of games per season as part of the last rights sale.Aren’t those games normally rescheduled games?
You really believe palms are not greased whatsoever in this processWe don't know who bid as it was a blind auction, designed that way to increase the bids. If Amazon, Meta/Facebook, Apple or Google bid then they were outbid by TNT/Sky.
The league basically went cap in hand to Amazon to get the final package sold to someone as neither Sky nor BT had any interest in that package. Midweek games are among the lowest viewed games, mainly because many of the games are on at the same time, splitting viewers.Given the PL's willingness to do a deal with Amazon at below the reserve price at the last auction and there being no meaningful increase this time (given that more games have been sold, they're actually getting less per game than before), I'd be amazed if Amazon made any meaningful bid. The PL are gagging for Amazon or another streaming platform to come on board - that's why they offered whole midweek packages last time and why they're offering more simultaneous matches this time too.
if everything is above board then no. Sky have a long term historic relationship with the PL and BT/TNT do as well, although how chummy TNT and Sky are is unknown compared to when the last rights were bought and, although I have no real proof, I suspect they met and agreed what packages they wanted, knowing that their success is based on having the football.You really believe palms are not greased whatsoever in this process
In terms of cost per game, given the extra games and length of deal, I believe that cost has actually come down.Incredible deal really, probably means another bloody price increase for the TV.
With the greatest respect, I think you are being incredibly naive. Where there is enough money there is corruption to varying degrees, 6.7B is a **** ton of money!The league basically went cap in hand to Amazon to get the final package sold to someone as neither Sky nor BT had any interest in that package. Midweek games are among the lowest viewed games, mainly because many of the games are on at the same time, splitting viewers.
if everything is above board then no. Sky have a long term historic relationship with the PL and BT/TNT do as well, although how chummy TNT and Sky are is unknown compared to when the last rights were bought and, although I have no real proof, I suspect they met and agreed what packages they wanted, knowing that their success is based on having the football.
Sky specially has deep pockets compared to previously when they likely took loans out to afford the payments. Now being owned by Comcast they didn’t have to this time.
There were two outstanding packages, one of which BT took and the other Amazon. It was widely reported before the auction that those two packages of games were created for Amazon or another streaming platform (previously you would only have 2 fixtures broadcast instead of all 10) and that the PL were open to selling them at a discounted rate to entice Amazon.The league basically went cap in hand to Amazon to get the final package sold to someone as neither Sky nor BT had any interest in that package. Midweek games are among the lowest viewed games, mainly because many of the games are on at the same time, splitting viewers.