TV Licence Super Thread

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Any concrete information on how they might enforce this? Would ISPs comply if they requested user information based off of IP addresses? Not that I would dream of it ofcourse.
Please define awesome?
Planet Earth is the last awesome documentary BBC did and that was 10 years ago. I am not aware of anything good or worth while documentary's since then. I found BBC's content rubbish compared to what you we can watch on Prime or Netflix. The quality on BBC is very poor compared to those and BBC is more expensive.
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Will they be making the iPlayer streams better quality? This is what I had to suffer on my PC during the recent Euros (and yes, I do have enough internet. I can stream full HD from elsewhere).


Most of the time I had to switch to viewing via the app on my phone which gave far better, and clearer video quality. You could even read the score clearly on the phone app, unlike on the desktop site.
Planet Earth is the last awesome documentary BBC did and that was 10 years ago. I am not aware of anything good or worth while documentary's since then. I found BBC's content rubbish compared to what you we can watch on Prime or Netflix. The quality on BBC is very poor compared to those and BBC is more expensive.

I simply don't know how to reply to the above. I have Netflix International so can source documentaries from anywhere but don't as most are third rate.

I'm assuming you've been working overseas since Planet Earth was broadcast, North Korea maybe?
Will they be making the iPlayer streams better quality? This is what I had to suffer on my PC during the recent Euros (and yes, I do have enough internet. I can stream full HD from elsewhere).[IMG]

Most of the time I had to switch to viewing via the app on my phone which gave far better, and clearer video quality. You could even read the score clearly on the phone app, unlike on the desktop site.[/QUOTE]

Glorious 288p

It's like 1995
I simply don't know how to reply to the above. I have Netflix International so can source documentaries from anywhere but don't as most are third rate.

I'm assuming you've been working overseas since Planet Earth was broadcast, North Korea maybe?
It’s very telling about the lack of good content on BBC when instead of listing the amazing documentary's since Planet Earth you have to fall back to making comments like that.

No I don’t work oversees and yes there is a lot content on Netflix which doesn’t appeal and content that could be classed as 3rd rate but unlike the BBC there is also a large list of worthwhile content. Netflix has stuff like Chef Table, Departures, Bionic vet or Fat, Sick & nearly Dead all of which are worth watching compared to what’s on BBC.

A lot of the Netflix original shows are so much better then what’s on BBC. Personally I think Prime is behind Netflix but still better then BBC.

Like I said before haven’t seen anything worth watching on BBC in 10 years. Apart from Doctor who but that’s not worth paying a licence for as that works out at £20 per episode over the past 4 years.
It’s very telling about the lack of good content on BBC when instead of listing the amazing documentary's since Planet Earth you have to fall back to making comments like that.

No I don’t work oversees and yes there is a lot content on Netflix which doesn’t appeal and content that could be classed as 3rd rate but unlike the BBC there is also a large list of worthwhile content. Netflix has stuff like Chef Table, Departures, Bionic vet or Fat, Sick & nearly Dead all of which are worth watching compared to what’s on BBC.

A lot of the Netflix original shows are so much better then what’s on BBC. Personally I think Prime is behind Netflix but still better then BBC.

Like I said before haven’t seen anything worth watching on BBC in 10 years. Apart from Doctor who but that’s not worth paying a licence for as that works out at £20 per episode over the past 4 years.

Bionic Vet is Channel 4's Noel Fitzpatrick programme - seen every one since day one - on Channel 4. I take it you haven't been watching the BBC series about New Zealand that's just finished this week - truly a feast for the eyes. Stunning photography and what a fascinating country.

The other programmes you mention, I realise it's all subjective but with the exception of Noel Fitzpatrick you are not setting the bar very high.
Imo they should do 2 tiers.

  • Free - You get a ton of advertising and breaks.
  • Licence payers - No adverts,No breaks. (You get a box,Has a chip card that
only gets activated when you pay the subscription,Like VM boxes.)

I think its wrong for those that DO pay tv licences are forced to watch a ton of crappy adverts ruining the whole experience.

But still,I honestly dont see how they can efficiently enforce tv licenses on people,They pestered my one friend some time back,they didn't believe he had no TV.
Bionic Vet is Channel 4's Noel Fitzpatrick programme - seen every one since day one - on Channel 4. I take it you haven't been watching the BBC series about New Zealand that's just finished this week - truly a feast for the eyes. Stunning photography and what a fascinating country.

The other programmes you mention, I realise it's all subjective but with the exception of Noel Fitzpatrick you are not setting the bar very high.
Yes it is subjective but going by ratings the general public don’t seem to agree with you. Departures and Descending are extremely popular same for Fat, Sick & nearly Dead 1 & 2 which started a large movement and social groups. Chef table has a rating over 4 stars. As for Bionic Vet well I need a licence to watch it on channel 4 but don’t to watch it on Netflix.

Anyway you still haven’t listed any worthwhile content on BBC. What little good content BBC made years ago is mostly on Netflix anyway.

“I know who he is now list the documentaries of note he has made that stand up to scientific scrutiny?”
Cosmos A Space Time Odyssey which has 5 star ratings. Why do we have to keep listing examples but every time we ask you to list examples on BBC you don’t?
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I know who he is now list the documentaries of note he has made that stand up to scientific scrutiny?

You sound a little narked, my friend. Do you work for aunty or something?

Why would a well-known astrophysicist create documentaries that would trash his reputation? I'm not sure what you're getting at. I enjoyed Cosmos even if it was a little cheesy in presentation style.

If the BBC put their whole back catalogue online (which won't happen) I'd probably reconsider my position but for the moment, other streaming services meet my needs given that I watch 2-3 hours of TV content a week. Not to mention the fact that plenty of beeb stuff is on there anyway.
It'll almost certainly just entering license number in to your account.

I'm not sure, you don't need an account at all for BBC currently and if that was changing I think we'd know by now. I suspect it will be the same 'enforcement' as current, ie trying to catch people out / guilt trip them. Just the catching out part could be considerably simpler if ISPs comply.
Bionic Vet is Channel 4's Noel Fitzpatrick programme - seen every one since day one - on Channel 4. I take it you haven't been watching the BBC series about New Zealand that's just finished this week - truly a feast for the eyes. Stunning photography and what a fascinating country.

The other programmes you mention, I realise it's all subjective but with the exception of Noel Fitzpatrick you are not setting the bar very high.

Perhaps you need to watch a documentary on how to be less judgemental of others.
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