TV Licence Super Thread

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why not?

it would mean mostly everyone pays their fair share. only the ****** in their caravans wouldn't.

the current system is unfair where honest people pay it all and dodgers watch it all day long then spouting rubbish about rights like the OP.

it's the same as Vehicles Emissions Duty, every car has to pay it (albeit some are £0). every home should be made to pay tv license.

Why should those people who don't watch TV or don't own a TV have to pay BBC? Why should BBC get all the money even from the people who don't watch BBC? What about the other providers?

Its not the same as Vehicles Emissions Duty you only pay Vehicles Emissions Duty if you have a vehicle that has emissions. Its more like saying everyone should pay Vehicles Emissions Duty even though they do not own a car and never drive.
It wouldn't be that hard to require your TV License number on the iPlayer.

They could then allow you to watch it on 6 devices or something, which should be plenty for most households but would annoy the people that use Iplayer and don't pay for a license.
Why should those people who don't watch TV or don't own a TV have to pay BBC? Why should BBC get all the money even from the people who don't watch BBC? What about the other providers?

same reason you pay every other tax many of which you don't use.
either its deemed important for country and thus pay it from general taxation, or its not and scrap it.
Not everyone has or wants a TV, so taking people's money in tax to feed a bloated corporation and exec's massive bonuses would be totally wrong.

You don't pay road tax when you don't own a car that you drive on public roads.
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I don't have a TV licence. I don't need one for the online streaming services I use. The thing is that I tell TVL licensing this on their website. I don't get letters and I don't get anyone coming to bother me. I don't need to tell someone from Capita to leave because I simply fill an online form in. It's really not rocket science.

With that said, I would pay for iPlayer access if it was cheaper. £12 per month is about the cost of Netflix and Amazon Prime combined and I don't feel the value to cost is worth it for me. If it moved to a general tax, I wouldn't have too much problem with that though, I use BBC services without paying at the moment. Between the BBC News website and BBC Radio I probably should contribute. I think the BBC is an important institution that needs to be supported, but I've got no inclination to voluntarily donate to the BBC.
The issue i have with it in general taxation is that the money would just be used for something else. I know the government already has a say in BBC budget, but i see this giving them too much control. They would just increase taxes, blame the BBC, then cut their budget and send the money elsewhere.
Pretty difficult to actually prove even with an IP. I've yet to hear of any cases.

They would need to prove YOU were the one doing it, not someone nearby using e.g. BT openzone.
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Pretty difficult to actually prove even with an IP. I've yet to hear of any cases.

They would need to prove YOU were the one doing it, not someone nearby using the wifi.

Isn't it your responsibility to secure your own wifi network? Basically if you are the owner of the internet connection then you are liable for anything that happens over it?
Isn't it your responsibility to secure your own wifi network? Basically if you are the owner of the internet connection then you are liable for anything that happens over it?

From the ISP's terms and conditions maybe, but not legally.

If someone hacks your router and gets in to your network you aren't to blame for anything they do on it and nor is the ISP. Only the person that did it, but GL finding them. (This is why wifi is bad) :P
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I don't know why people love the BBC so much. As a media entity they are just as dodgy as Fox et. al. but they're not as obvious as them, which is why they are actually more dangerous to society. I've first hand witnessed some seriously messed up NLP, subliminal messaging, the whole shebang, coming from them.
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I don't have a TV licence. I don't need one for the online streaming services I use. The thing is that I tell TVL licensing this on their website. I don't get letters and I don't get anyone coming to bother me. I don't need to tell someone from Capita to leave because I simply fill an online form in. It's really not rocket science.

Same. We stopped renewing our TV license a few years ago as we realised there was nothing worth watching. The TV cable is now wound and cable tied out the way. We filled out a form online when we our license expired and have never heard anything about it since.
same reason you pay every other tax many of which you don't use.
either its deemed important for country and thus pay it from general taxation, or its not and scrap it.
Well I would place BBC into the not important for the county category so scarp it rather then cover it under any TAX everyone has to pay.
Well I would place BBC into the not important for the county category so scarp it rather then cover it under any TAX everyone has to pay.

The BBC is important for the country as it's good to have a media outlet which doesn't have share holders and is Politically neutral. Otherwise in the future you could have a situation where the media is completely bought out and there's no alternative viewing.
netflix, amazon, nowtv.

even 4od only has a 30 second add very occasionally. rather than several minutes, 4 times an hour like on tv.
The programmes I've been watching on 4od usually have about 2-3 minutes before the show starts and 3 x 1:30 breaks over an hour, not too bad.

I like a load of BBC content, radio 4 would be worth it alone for me.
Hi all

Let's say a friend was fined for allegedly watching BBC iPlayer at an address without a TV licence

Any advice please? I know a lot of people get out of the fines / chase letters normally.

Yes very clever. A friend, lol. You mean YOU got fined. :D
The BBC is important for the country as it's good to have a media outlet which doesn't have share holders and is Politically neutral. Otherwise in the future you could have a situation where the media is completely bought out and there's no alternative viewing.
I hardly find the BBC news good for the county and its hardly political neutral. Like when most secondary schools got privatised and run by companies instead of the local council and the BBC didn’t report anything as they are not truly politically neutral.

Anyway we wouldn't be left with no alternative viewing I don't get any of my news viewing from the BBC partly because I refuse to pay to view such a rubbish news service.
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Hi all

Let's say a friend was fined for allegedly watching BBC iPlayer at an address without a TV licence

Any advice please? I know a lot of people get out of the fines / chase letters normally.

Ask what evidence they have. There are a lot of possible defences but it depends on the evidence. For example if a friend or relative came around to watch BBC Iplayer in your home on a battery power device that's perfectly legal if they have a licence and your home does not.
The BBC is important for the country as it's good to have a media outlet which doesn't have share holders and is Politically neutral.

The BBC is important for the country as it's good to have a media outlet which doesn't have share holders and is Politically neutral. Otherwise in the future you could have a situation where the media is completely bought out and there's no alternative viewing.

You will now get mocked by both a crowd of people saying 'LOL LEFTY LIBERAL BBC' and another saying 'BBC MIGHT AS WELL BE NAZI PROPAGANDA'.
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