TV Licence Super Thread

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I'm happy to hear you smiled but it's actually pretty serious.

Did you watch Panorama last night? Absolute horse**** propaganda. John Sweeney is an absolute tool. I couldn't stop laughing when he antagonised people into leaving an interview and then pulled that puppydog face to tell the audience he couldn't possibly have said anything wrong.

That's nothing compared to the time they flashed a subliminal message telling black people to "Kill white police officers". That moment simply epitomised everything for me.

Did you happen to get any evidence or proof of that subliminal message?
Or was it an incorrect/incomplete caption or something?

Given how many people record TV, and how many homes have PVR's etc that allow live pausing/rewind/playback I'd image it would be extremely hard to do subliminal stuff without it being spotted and blased all over the place.
The BBC like all media companies, cater to their audience. Their audience is incredibly wide ranging and numerous instead of made up mostly of certain demographics like many other media outlets. Due to the BBC's audience, it tries to be politically neutral. When the crowd mentality seems to shift toward one idea the BBC will try to match it.

That said, obviously some bias falls through the cracks but at the end of the day, all media outlets are the same. The ones with the widest audience tend to be the most politically neutral.
I'm happy to hear you smiled but it's actually pretty serious.

Did you watch Panorama last night? Absolute horse**** propaganda. John Sweeney is an absolute tool. I couldn't stop laughing when he antagonised people into leaving an interview and then pulled that puppydog face to tell the audience he couldn't possibly have said anything wrong.

That's nothing compared to the time they flashed a subliminal message telling black people to "Kill white police officers". That moment simply epitomised everything for me.

Going to need a genuine link for that or people will think you are one of those conspiracy nuts (you are a conspiracy nut).

Over and over. :/
If I'm not being a licence is it better to just ignore the to the homeowner letters or declare you don't have one?
If I'm not being a licence is it better to just ignore the to the homeowner letters or declare you don't have one?
That depends how lucky you are. Sometimes declaring you don't have one cause's nothing but problems, sometimes it means they leave you along for years.
If I'm not being a licence is it better to just ignore the to the homeowner letters or declare you don't have one?

Just fill in the form telling them you don't need one. Sometimes they will send the mafia round to check you don't actually have an aerial connected up (though you don't actually have to let them in, they have no powers). After that it should stop, at least for a while.

Theres also a form to revoke their implied right of access to your land. If you send that in they aren't allowed to even knock on your door as they would then be trespassing.
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Doesn't the TV license get used for a number of "other" things beyond just television broadcast, such as radio broadcast infrastructure, world service, broadband rollout, bits of money to ITV / Channel 4, digital television rollout etc?

Then things the BBC does as far as R&D is concerned are typically for the benefit of everyone. I am sure are countless other things I have not mentioned.
I do think the BBC does some great things, especially with promoting the arts. That's often overshadowed by the mainstream rubbish.

Maybe the R&D part should be split off as I'd not object to that being taxpayer funded.
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They just invited in a bunch of London hipsters to berate him.

Thing is tbough i always thought he came off quite well.

Thier stacking the deck made him very much the under dog.

And this is from somone who doesnt like him.

I find him a typical politician and a bit odious but you have to admit the man is a good speaker and quick on his feet when backed into corners that leave most politicians repeating thier trained in answet over and over
Yea people kicked off at him and called him right wing without letting him get a word in, the BBC also loved to show him speaking out of context. But really, there is no real right wing in the UK. Everyone (bar a handful of people) is center or left when you compare it to most of the world.

(Not that I voted for him either).

But now they are probably regretting it, because the Brits love an underdog and brexit has ultimately won :P
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