lol, the irony XDBBC is quite blatantly Labour biased. Anyone with half a brain can see that.
BBC is quite blatantly Labour biased. Anyone with half a brain can see that.
lol, the irony XD
Not sure how much more lefty you want the BBC to be
That is nonsense their view hasn't changed in years during which people were writing off Labour altogether.Not at all, just that public opinion is swinging in labours favour and so pro-labour stories have suddenly become more palatable. This certainly wasn't the case a few years back.
The BBC's opinion pretty much echoes the general audiences view.
Use the other half of your brain and realise:
1. Your paying virgin media does not pay for BBC services, Since you have access to those services with virgin Media, then you still require to pay the license.
Stop paying it then, the worst that can possibly happen in the very unlikely event you ever got prosecuted, is a £1000 maximum means tested fine, and a non-recorded offence.See, I would like Virgin to have BBC as an opt in service subject to additional cost.
I can then get rid of it and the stupid fee.
On the other hand me and plenty of others on here have done just that and had nothing but issues. Its a gamble when you contact them. Sometimes you are ok sometimes it makes things worse even if you are doing everything correctly. Sometimes they are ok for years then for no apparent reason stop believing you.Well me and plenty of others on here have done just that with no issues. A single visit in over 3 years now and 2 letters sent and received.
No one is force to watch TV and buy a license. You have three choices:
1. Watch and pay
2. Dont watch and dont pay
3. Watch and dont pay
You forgot number 4:
Don't watch and pay
The ROW service is paid for by advertising and commercial sales.
On the other hand me and plenty of others on here have done just that and had nothing but issues. Its a gamble when you contact them. Sometimes you are ok sometimes it makes things worse even if you are doing everything correctly. Sometimes they are ok for years then for no apparent reason stop believing you.
Capita told graduates to pay £21,000 for leaving unpaid training scheme.
Some that refused, didn't get their last wage packets upon leaving.