TV shows you were enjoying that got cancelled

Dark Matter - fun, easy going show but just started to get its teeth into something a bit more in-depth. (I think they just didn't have the budget though for where the show was going - before it could be made quite cheap and cheerfully and work).
Travelers - great premise but it had kind of played out its unique aspects which made it stand out and needed to find something new.
Terra Nova - the show itself was so-so but the premise has so much potential.
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This thread already hit a lot of my list but to add some new ones:

Space: Above and Beyond - rewatched it recently and while it does show it's age visually it held up pretty well, and storyline wise everything was set to pop off in a second season which we never got.
The 2010-ish remake of V
The Dark Crystal - cancelled that after one season was a total travesty.
Game of Thrones - such a shame they stopped making it at season 5, I would have really loved to see it go to it's proper conclusion.
Counterpart, intelligent sci-fi with a great performance from J.K.Simmons.
Does this at least get some kind of ending or is it just - bam, over, questions remain unanswered? I've been considering watching it for some time but the fact it got cancelled makes me hesitant, appears to be a show entirely up my street.

But I then went back to rewatch it thinking i'm in for a treat and ooh dear it has not aged well at all. It was fantastic at the time, but I think what looked pretty cheaply made back then (and it did) looks really Sci-Fi channel now. It was immediately very jarring, I think I only lasted half an hour.

We are talking about the HBO series which was cancelled because it was too expensive to make, aren’t we?
Brilliant writing, perfect casting of great (but not household name) actors and top drawer production values.
Altered Carbon
Altered Carbon wasn’t cancelled, Antony Mackie killed it by being so wooden that he made Keanu Reeves look like the best method actor ever.

Oh, and the writers putting every story element from the books into a blender and making a confusing soup of the whole thing.
V - both the original and the remake although the original had descended into absolute farce by the time it was pulled whereas the remake was getting really good when it got cancelled. I only started watching the remake a couple of years ago and didn't know it had actually been binned so when I got to the last episode and tried to find the next series I was most disappointed when I read it had been canned.
Altered Carbon wasn’t cancelled, Antony Mackie killed it by being so wooden that he made Keanu Reeves look like the best method actor ever.

Oh, and the writers putting every story element from the books into a blender and making a confusing soup of the whole thing.
Nothing to do with Mackie, season 2 was just badly written
Can't remember the name but there was a show mid/late 2000's about some underwater species/conspiracy that while a bit cheap and cheerful, I was quite enjoying. There was a kid who'd managed to hide and raise one of the creatures and think the season ended with a huge tidal wave? There was an early episode with a photo from deep underwater and what looked like a figure standing in shadow. The name just escapes me totally.
Can't remember the name but there was a show mid/late 2000's about some underwater species/conspiracy that while a bit cheap and cheerful, I was quite enjoying. There was a kid who'd managed to hide and raise one of the creatures and think the season ended with a huge tidal wave? There was an early episode with a photo from deep underwater and what looked like a figure standing in shadow. The name just escapes me totally.

Can't remember the name but there was a show mid/late 2000's about some underwater species/conspiracy that while a bit cheap and cheerful, I was quite enjoying. There was a kid who'd managed to hide and raise one of the creatures and think the season ended with a huge tidal wave? There was an early episode with a photo from deep underwater and what looked like a figure standing in shadow. The name just escapes me totally.
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