TV shows you were enjoying that got cancelled

Nothing to do with Mackie, season 2 was just badly written

Season 2 definitely was, but Mackie can be blamed for not even trying to be the same character as season one, a gap that gets even more jarring
once the original Kovacs gets brought back and they end up together on screen
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Does this at least get some kind of ending or is it just - bam, over, questions remain unanswered? I've been considering watching it for some time but the fact it got cancelled makes me hesitant, appears to be a show entirely up my street.
It kind of ends, but is left open to the series continuing, if you know what I mean.

It's definitely still worth watching.
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Lucifer didn't get cancelled it ran through to completion. It just moved from Amazon to Netflix.

Forgot about Reaper that was good.

Amazon cancelled it. Netflix bought the rights to it and brought it to an accelerated conclusion.
Dark Matter
Raised by Wolves
OA (Criminal this was dropped, I love a well written WTF is going type show)
Expanse (even if the last couple of books were complete cack, maybe they will when the actors are older)
Debris (Lead male actor was bit rubbish)

I think i need to stop watching sci-fi :)
My Name Is Earl
Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - Shame they put 3 seasons worth of storylines into the second half of the season when they knew they were getting cancelled.
Almost Human
Ash vs Evil Dead
Futurama - multiple times... and it's coming back again!
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