lordrobs said:I agree with everything you've said there but you have to remember that in your situation your "sensible" daily driver is a Civic Type R.
What I'm getting at is imagine someone has a completely impractical 2 seater sports car which stretches them to the limit financially and *** only way they can justify / offset the costs is to run a crappy couple of hundred quid banger, which to be fair they will probably end up spending as much if not more time in than the nice 2 seater sports car.
Personally that is too much of a compromise in itself, I'd rather have a single nice car that I drive all the time rather than put up with a shed just so I can go out to play on the weekends.
I'm not saying I'm right its just my opinion on the matter.
That's fair enough
If I was in the situation above where I had to run a cheap banger in order to afford a 2 seater weekend sports car then I'd totally agree with you. I'd much rather have a compromise car which was good at most things.