Two New Intel SandyBridge CPUs - The 2700K Retail and 2700K OEM - Pre-Order NOW (GIBBO tested upto 5

In fairness Intel probably did intend these to be an upgrade for 2600K users. If I wasn't trying to wait for IvyBridge I'd possibly consider a 2700K rather than a 2600K chip on the off chance it clocks higher.
not worth it if you are on 2600k, if you are upgrading from an older setup or building a new rig then you go for the fastest thing your wallet can afford at the time, in which case £20 extra won't seem a great deal...
920 to 950 (clock the same!) but 920 is the best overall overclocked
2600K to 2700K (clock the same!) but 2600K can do 5GHz but saving of £20 less than 2700K (probably do 5GHz or not)
Hi there

2700k Retails just arrived, lots of them. :D

2700k OEM 1000+ arriving Friday and are on very special TWO price.

These are looking to be clocking demons. :D :D :D
bulldog. give it a rest please.

they are initial batch intel chips. it is common knowlege from anyone who is into computer hardware that initial batch clocks best. thats why there is a buzz surrounding these cpus.
Hi there

Were just trying a 2700k OEM now with an OcUK H2Flo regular cooler *not extreme* and its prime stable at 5.00GHz. Boots into windows at upto 5.6GHz.

They are certainly far better clockers than current 2500k and 2600k batches thats for sure by the tone of a good 200MHz or so. :)

Can see with a good water-cooling setup these will run circa 5200-5500MHz.
5.5Ghz.. holy moly!

With an extremely good cooling solution! 5.2GHz seems the stable upper limit on air cooling. :)
But our OEM chips we have, well I'd have to say you'd be very unlucky if you did not get 5GHz stable, they are so good we've just updated one of our TOP system to a guaranteed 5GHz. :)
Screenshot would be nice and why is the new 2700K OEM is so easy to overclocked 5GHz rather than 2600K and sound like Intel laughing at us with more money in their bank and what about vcore ?
I saw a review on other site as 5GHz was easy but a crazy 1.512v vcore!
Screenshot here below:

I believe we were at 1.42-1.45v.

We do have a particular good batch of CPU's though, I shall post stepping up later etc. as we can guarantee that stepping. :)
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