Two New Intel SandyBridge CPUs - The 2700K Retail and 2700K OEM - Pre-Order NOW (GIBBO tested upto 5

here I was tempted to order this but it appears my asrock extreme7(got on pre-order for £210 from here) is defective, getting the error code 45 when I have ram in slot 3 or 4(1&3, 2&4 are dual channel so means I can only run single channel). I tried 1 stick of ram in each slot at a time and as I said got the error when inserted in slot 3 or 4(was getting the error when I had the ram in 1&3 so tried 1 at a time).

guess its rma of the board(hope I don't get issues with rmaing as I've had the board since start of september but only just got around to putting the system together) so no 2700k oem for me as the £251 offer will be over by the time I get the board back :(
Speak to the team then or post in the customer service forum. I'm sure they will do the decent thing. That will save you having to return under DSR and buy again.
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