Typical Day - Glimpse into my Diet & Training

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15 Oct 2007
I though some of you might be interested in seeing my guide based on a typical day what I eat and how I train. This might be useful for a few out there looking to eat cleaner or even gain a glimpse into the sort of foods you should be looking to eat to maintain / grow.

My diet is pretty strict and does not change much from day to day (this includes weekends) whereby I average 2600 – 2950 calories per day. Following appointments with sports nutritionist I looked at me improving my diet and ways i could tweak my intake alongside my training prior to the transition of a cutting diet into a lean bulk with my end goal being to maintain as much definition as possible.

For anyone who is starting out and real does want to make changes quickly or really wanting to make the transition into eating correctly not just turning up at the gym and lifting weights I highly recommend going along to see qualified sports nutritionist. I wish I had known some of the stuff we discussed 2 years ago, instead of reading around.

The most valuable piece of information I could pass on that was drummed into me during my visits was it is as vitally as important to eat at the correct times as much as the food itself. You should be aiming to eat between every 2 – 3 hours.

The Diet –

Firstly fluids - when you consider that your individual muscle fibers are made of 75% water keeping your body well hydrated is a must! You want to put each muscle group in the best position possible for gains. I personally consume and recommend that your goal be no less than a gallon of water per day – 4.5 litres.

Wake Up 7:00am

Optimum Nutrition Superior Amino 2222 Caps x2
Omega 3 Fish Oil 1000
1 Scoop - Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey

First Meal: 7:15am

75g Mornflake Superfast Oats
Semi Skimmed Milk
Second Meal: 10:30am

Second Meal 10:30am

2 large chicken breast
1 large sweet potato chopped
half cup broccoli & half a cup of green beans
Optimum Nutrition Superior Amino 2222 Caps x2

Third Meal: 1:00pm

2 large chicken breast
125g Brown Rice

Fourth Meal: 3:00pm

3 Scoops - Optimum Nutrition AmiN.O. Energy mixed with 1 litre of water
handful of Whole Almonds

Fifth Meal: 5:00pm Pre-Work

2 Scoops PhD Synergy ISO – 7
Muscletech NeuroCore

Sixth Meal: 7:30pm Post –Workout (consumed with 10 minutes of completing workout)
2 Scoops PhD Synergy ISO – 7

Seventh Meal: 8:00pm
2 Steak Medallions roughly 250g
1 Large Sweet Potato
Optimum Nutrition Superior Amino 2222 Caps x2

Eighth Meal: 10:30pm (bed time)
Optimum Nutrition Fitness Fiber (1 large spoon)
1 Scoop Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein
At the moment it’s a little difficult to write a detailed guide into my training sessions as of the 1st January I have changed the way I train. From day one I have always done body splits e.g. Chest / Tri on a Monday. 6 days a week
I have decided to change things up for the next 6 months due to a small competition that is running in my gym in relation to the Body Power Expo in May. I have decided to conduct single day splits whereby I can concentrate on a single body part per day and spend more time on isolation.

At the moment the training plan is looking something like the following;

Monday: Shoulders & Abs
Tuesday: Arms
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Chest & Abs
Friday: Back
Saturday: Compound / Full Body
Sunday: Rest

Each session changes every week so it is difficult to provide a detailed breakdown of my exercises but I am happy to post here on regular occasions my training routine as it changes. Here is an example of Monday’s Training Session.

Rotatary curls
Vertical push ups

Weighted Muscle-Ups
Machine shoulder press
Rear Delt machine
Dirty 30s front raises, lateral raises, bent over lateral raises

Cable knee tucks
Cable rope crunchs
Cable woodchops

A burning question is always how much Cardio; due to diet i have decided to stop Cardio all together until 12 weeks out before the completion. From there on in i will be doing 30 minutes in the morning before work and 30 minutes at the end of each training session.
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what you mean - No :D ?

yeah - i did a full breakdown on here a little while ago detailing everything in terms of Macro. Its not a million miles away from above;


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I'd agree with this. For some people it works and is the best method, for others it isn't. I deffo wouldn't say it's a hard and fast rule to abide by.

I have seen lots of people consume their calories in 2 - 3 big meals throughout the day, i have used small meals but often method for so long my body has adopted this approach. I dont think i could sit there and eat big meals any more :rolleyes:

I'm glad I'm not paying your supplement bill! :D ON's not cheap

I know at the moment is around £80 - 100 per month

Also I highly recommend standard psyllium husks as a fibre supplement, as I expect they'll be far, far cheaper than the stuff you're using. I got a 1kg bag ages ago and it's lasting me aaaaaages.

Also considering how control you have over your diet, your fat:carb ratios are a bit off I'd say.

A nice read though, I always appreciate looking through logs such as this. I hope you keep it up. ;)

Any chance you can link me to that fibre supplement?

in terms of fat:carbs ratio as i say it's not a million miles away although my fat content is increased since that macro count was done near enough 3 - 4 months ago. But the whole thing is a learning process. I read so much contradiction on the internet one person says this while another says a the complete opposite.

I think i have found a good balance and understand my body' but there is ALWAYS room to tweak!
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Looking good Kai :)
I wish I could eat as strict as you, but life isn't always so structured. Do you live by yourself? The reason I ask is when you live with wife/GF/whatever things become more tricky. If I was single I'd have no problem being as strict as you.

No i live with my girlfriend; i could have never done this while living at home as I had no control over the shop!

When i do my weekly shop i buy basically two sets of food; one for me and “normal food” e.g. ready meals, pizza, etc for the other half. Food is pretty straight forward whoever is home first will cook me a pack of chicken / turkey or Steak ready for tomorrow’s meals. Evening meals are made fresh.

Food is never an issue; i can quickly fry a steak or chicken and oven bake a sweet potato while a pizza or something is in the oven.
Just my two pence, but that looks horrific! :eek: And £80-100 on supplements? :eek: :eek: Have any of them any evidence for actually working?

Yes, my body has changed drastically over a 2 year period; but supplements only supplement the diet - people like FF spend a lot less and get better results but i am still learning.

October 2011 - idea where i am currently

I must say, your diet doesn't look particularly appealing.... Must be pretty costly as well with all that chicken?

I buy all my chicken from Asda usally 3 packs for £10.00 so 2 offer packs, some steak and pack or so of turkey usally shopping bill is £50 - £60 that includes my weekly shop with everything.

I hope you're sponsored by ON!

Have you considered looking at buying bulk aminos from somewhere like MP?

Love hand-stand pushups, hard stuff! What are rotatory curls though?

i will look at buying bulk as i have started using Amino's a lot more - but ON! had some fantastic deals over christmas i had the Amino Energy free when i bought tub of Gold Whey

Rotary curls - i should have said rotator cuff exercise

May I ask how you cook your Medallion steaks? I have tried before but it was literally like eating a boot, tough as hell!

Griddle pan, heat for 10 minutes untill as hot as possible 25 - 30 seconds each side no more: DONE!
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Thanks for this!

Just out of interest, do you treat food strictly as fuel for your training goals?

Pretty much, its a case of just getting down me. I do have the odd cheat meal which i do enjoy immensely

Dunno how you can eat chicken breast with brown rice without glugging water with each bite!

Get use to it' sometimes it's a little dry after re-heating in a microwave when cooked the day before but nothing stopping people putting a teaspoon of ketchup on it :D
I thought i would give an update following fantastic help from Steedie - he has litterally put compiled the following and my diet is now on full lock down!!!

"All dairy has been removed, your oats with water. Milk is high in sugar and also causes a lot of bloat for people.

Amino acid supplements have been reduced and i was relying to heavy on supplements"

Courtesy of Steedie - Meal Plan

First Meal: 7:15am

1 Scoop - Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey , 75g Mornflake Superfast Oats, 500ml water

Optimum Nutrition Superior Amino 2222 Caps x2

Omega 3 Fish Oil 1000

Second Meal 10:30am

6oz Chicken breast

250g Sweet potato

half cup broccoli & half a cup of green beans

Third Meal: 1:30pm

6oz Chicken breast

75g Brown Rice

Fifth Meal: 5:00pm Pre-Work

6oz Chicken breast

125g Brown Rice

Muscletech NeuroCore

Sixth Meal: 7:30pm Post –Workout (consumed with 10 minutes of completing workout)

2 Scoops PhD Synergy ISO – 7

Seventh Meal: 8:00pm

2 Steak Medallions roughly 250g

75g Brown rice

Optimum Nutrition Superior Amino 2222 Caps x2

Eighth Meal: 10:30pm (bed time)

Optimum Nutrition Fitness Fiber (1 large spoon)

1 Scoop Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein

As for water, a MINIMUM of 4 litres a day,
It's not so much a cut at the moment more a extreme clean diet; as the weeks progress we are going to evaulate based on my weight and appearance. This no doubt will change on a weekly basis as im 12 - 16 weeks out.

And.... it's not the diet that scares me it's the water torture i will need to do a week out! oh and the lack of sauces, tomato & brown :(
That's a lot of weight gain in one year, but it depends how "dirty" your diet actually is and the amount of fat you add! Im currently 70kg but im sitting around 8% b.f for the shoot etc i want to be very low something like 3 -4%
photoshoot; but it appears from people here and a little more research that is only going to be for a very short period of time e.g. 1 day
Don't you get fruit and veg cravings? You are only eating 1 cup per day which isn't a lot! With zero variety too it would seem.

No not at all, never use to have fruit in my diet previously it was only when i went on a massive cut i relied on lot's of veg to fill me.
kai, you're going to hate me

I've noticed a couple of mistakes due to some serious copy and paste issues

First chicken portion only is 6oz, the rest are 4oz.

Also, your pre-workout rice portion, lower it 75g

And the calories might seem high Skillmister, but with the cardio he's doing as well as the workouts, he'll be creating a big enough deficit to still drop the weight

No problem; this is the first real week of hardcore diet so no damage done :)

ok so here is the base layer of what i begin with; last photos i posted was in the post your picture that was 2 months ago, and im suprised how much mass i have put on in such little time, while keeping shape.

Ponsey shoot pose; dont flame me ;)
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Cheers guys, really craving a bit of sugar in the morning mind. Steedie is not allowing blueberries :(
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Updated Diet; The lack of food is sole destroying; i also miss my 4pm shake - this is now replaced by food :(

First Meal: 7:15am

1 Scoop - Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey , 75g Mornflake Superfast Oats, 500ml water

Optimum Nutrition Superior Amino 2222 Caps x2

Second Meal 10:30am

4oz Chicken breast

250g Sweet potato

1tbsp Good Oil

half cup broccoli & half a cup of green beans

Third Meal: 1:30pm

4oz Chicken breast

1tbsp Good Oil

70g Brown Rice

Fifth Meal: 5:00pm Pre-Work

4oz Chicken breast

1tbsp Good Oil

70g Brown Rice

Muscletech NeuroCore

Sixth Meal: 7:30pm Post –Workout (consumed with 10 minutes of completing workout)

1 Scoop ON HydroBuilder

Seventh Meal: 8:00pm

4oz white fish (recommend tesco value white fish, it’s cheap and fairly easy to eat)

1tbsp Good Oil

70g Brown rice

Optimum Nutrition Superior Amino 2222 Caps x2

Eighth Meal: 10:30pm (bed time)

Optimum Nutrition Fitness Fiber (1 large spoon)

1 Scoop Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Casein
4lb drop in a week - 66.8kg weight in today!!! im concerned but Steedie is happy with progress as diet is 100% clean...

That magic 75kg goal is going to be a long long long long long way away!!!!
What are the total macros for that? The number of meals makes it seem like way more than me but it's probably not.

No idea mate!

diet is changing each week as Steedie tweeks it about; so i dont see the point in working out the macro's. Let the man who has been there done it and got the t-shirt dictate my food :eek:
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