Seems a bit odd still to me, if a driver can choose to sign in and make themselves available when they choose that is very different to being the recipient of a fixed rota / shift patterns handed down from management.
Get uber app
Do 2 years in a big city... full employment rights.
Move to very remote area, turn on app... then go back inside and watch TV/work a different job.
Still earn min wage for doing nothing... cos you’re an employee now and uber has to pay you because you turned on the app.
(Obvs they probably don’t offer a service in the outer Hebrides in reality but basic incentives are there - unless they seek to regularly sack unproductive drivers you could get a min wage from an area with relatively fewer jobs and perhaps the way to game it is to double or triple up with rival apps - get paid 3*min wage by turning them on simultaneously in a low demand area)