I'd love to see him arrest someone for swearing. I'd be doing life.
People are arrested for swearing all the time.
Its used to get aggressive drunk morons off the streets.
I find it hilarious that some people are defending Rooney, and comparing swearing on the pitch to his behaviour.
Even GIGGS who should know better has opened his trap. Obviously a total moron like Rio Ferdinand you would expect to come out with nothing other than complete ********, but I expected more from Ryan Giggs.
Most players swear on the football pitch, but I have never seen anyone behave like Rooney apart from Drogba, who actually had legitimate cause to be riled.
Rooney had just scored a hat trick, put his team into the lead, and might well have won the premiership, and he STILL felt the need to run up to the camera, in a SNARLING, ranting, threatening manner, and swear aggressively to MILLIONS of families with children on a Saturday lunchtime.
Yeah, that compares with doing some creative lip reading on players faces from tens of yards away when the camera just happens to zoom in on them.
Now what made it even WORSE in my eyes was his and Alex Fergusons UTTER disrespect for the situation and his behaviour.
IF the little thug had actually felt any remorse, then he would have taken the opportunity to apologise right after the match, in his own words, when he was being interviewed. What actually happened? The club prepared the usual generic apology statement which Rooney would have never even seen, let alone actually issued the apology.
Furthermore, on top of all that, he has the gall to APPEAL, and THEN show even more disrespect to the process and for his contemptuous behaviour he complains that his appeal failed and that the punishment was too harsh. Even going as far to say that he wont be the last player to swear. Yeah sure Wayne. He might well be one of the last players to scream obsceneties directly down a camera to millions of viewers, but I would have thought even someone as braindead as Wayne Rooney would understand its not remotely comparable to swearing on the pitch during the match.
Wayne was not sorry at all, and anyone that thinks he was, or he had anything to do with the fake apology needs to wake up and get a grip!!
Well done the FA, his behaviour was disgusting, and im so surprised that people like Rio in his position as captain, AND someone as professional as Ryan Giggs can effectively endorse this sort of behaviour.