UEFA Champions League/Europa League 5/6/7 April *** Spoilers ***

He's not being obtuse. He knows full well what he's doing. Have a look at which game Lee Mason is reffing at the weekend and then you'll understand ;)
I said obtuse or stupid, I'd assume he's being deliberately obtuse, which isn't anything to be proud of ..

Probably not but he's putting it back out there for people to realise the consequences of the FA's actions against Rooney thus deflecting all the attention away from us :D

He does it all the time, why are you so shocked now! :D
He's not being obtuse. He knows full well what he's doing. Have a look at which game Lee Mason is reffing at the weekend and then you'll understand ;)

My point is, what does any of this have to do with the ref though? The ref wasn't the one who punished Rooney, the FA did, and also, nobody will tell us to '**** off' this weekend either, seems he's completely missed the point and just used it as an excuse to bully the ref.
Probably not but he's putting it back out there for people to realise the consequences of the FA's actions against Rooney thus deflecting all the attention away from us :D

He does it all the time, why are you so shocked now! :D

It's not shocking, just a bit annoying that this season he seems to be on a one man crusade to insult/criticise the FA/refs at any given opportunity, it's not neccessary.

I'd query the point in it all, when Man Utd play West Ham, even if the ref has read this article (who knows if he has), in a split second 50/50 decision he isn't going to let his mind wander to this article and then think, oh Ferguson criticised me, I'll give this one to Man Utd.
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My point is, what does any of this have to do with the ref though? The ref wasn't the one who punished Rooney, the FA did, and also, nobody will tell us to '**** off' this weekend either, seems he's completely missed the point and just used it as an excuse to bully the ref.


Like I said, find out who Lee Mason is reffing at the weekend and then things will become clearer to you.

Taggart is putting pressure on Mason to act if a player swears at the weekend as well as trying to deflect the attention from Rooney.
I'll remind you of that the next time the referee's give you a **** decision and you all moan about your Quadruple hopes vanishing in a week :)

Like I said, find out who Lee Mason is reffing at the weekend and then things will become clearer to you.

Can't be bothered to go through the fixtures, but I'd assume it's us, which makes it even more confusing as Arsenal aren't known for being foul mouthed at all. Nice if he sends a Blackpool player off for swearing into the camera though. My main point is, nobody will tell the viewing public to '**** off' ever again so it adds no pressure to any decision
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Yes it is Arsenal and no it's not more confusing. You're their biggest threat for the title and if Taggart can do anything to increase the pressure on the ref to act against Arsenal in any way, he will.
Let's face it, he doesn't need to bully the ref from our games to win the title this season. All he needs to do it not spectacularly mess up his own team, Arsenal won't win every game from here on in so we have little/no chance anyway. Just can't see a grown man (the ref) reading that article and giving any thought to it all besides 'again, really :/'
Nasri isn't exactly the usual suspect though, he's a lovely little lesbian 99.9% of the time. I also implore anybody to be in their situation after the RvP red card and not run straight to the ref and tell him he's made the worst decision in this years CL after the game, with more colourful language of course .. That really was a spectacularly awful decision in which the ref deserved masses and masses and masses of criticism, Lee Mason doesn't for this ..

Like I said, find out who Lee Mason is reffing at the weekend and then things will become clearer to you.

Taggart is putting pressure on Mason to act if a player swears at the weekend as well as trying to deflect the attention from Rooney.

Well the problem being, the ref didn't see Rooney mouth off at the camera, and if someone did it this weekend, the ref also wouldn't see it. Did Rooney get sent off for swearing in any way, no, just about every player swears all game long, every game of the year, will anyone get sent off for it this weekend, no. He got punished, afterwards, not involving the ref at all for the way in which he swore and the intent behind it.

If someone is shown on camera to be shouting abusive language at the crowd, or the camera, they will be punished by the FA aswell, of course, I can't remember the last time someone had a tirade like that at people, well, except of course when Rooney last did it. So the chances of somebody randomly running up to a camera or the crowd just to swear at them....... not very high really.
Ah right so we've got to the crux of 'obviously the refs deserve it when arsenal players do it' as long as people know where you're coming from then they can give due weight to your comments.
Don't expect anything else from SAF these days. And quite why he feels the need to belittle a police officer who was expressing an opinion in that way is beyond me, I'd have thought he's a bigger man than that.
Fergie's Statement: ..................................

Everyone else in the World:

"WTF How can he say that"

"WTH is he going on about"

"Eh it won't affect our game anyway!"

"He's talking crap again"

"Hahaha Fergie, you senile old codger"

Ferguson: Jobs a good 'un.

Fergie just basically trolled most of the football world in one statement.
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